I have a own Database system which I want to integrate into Windchill (11.0 F000) Search.
Can somebody point me to a HowTo or give me an example how to add a custom datastore to the searchable objects in Windchill search?
In the Advanced Search I want to add a own Datatype (lets Say XYZItem) If that Item is selected an additional search call to my database System should be fired and I want to add the result that I get from my system to the Windchill search result.
If it's not possible to do it like that, it would also be nice to know how to create a custom search tab to integrate a search in only my system into Windchill.
Thank you,
I don't know 😞 But since you haven't gotten any suggestions I will add suggest a possibility.
Have you looked at PTC Navigate? It's capable of doing this, though I do not think it modifies the WC search itself (only the Navigate search). But it might give you some clues or alternatives.
Ok, then: Have you any hints, tutorials, Code samples how to do this in Navigate?