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Hi community!
I can send a task to more than one person, as in the image below.
But I need to make a distribution within the group to determine who will perform these tasks.
For this reason, how can I assign a task to more than one person with the 'accept task' button?
The functionality of "Accept Task" is that when it is assigned to multiple people- When someone accepts, it disappears from everyone else. A couple of simple options are to have the task assigned to the "Manager" who will decide who will do the task and reassign accordingly, or to add a Set Participant Task to the workflow and assign that task to the person deciding who should do the work.
Hi @smcvr
In the workflow task definition you can set how many users have to finish the task.
So you can configure it. If one person accept the task it still be available for others that can finish it or accept it
Hi @HelesicPetr
I do not want to put a limit on this value.
For example, the task went to 10 people, sometimes I have to assign it to 3 people and sometimes to 5 people. When I set the limit to 5, all 5 people have to approve. In this case, when I assign it to 3 people, 2 more people need to close the task.
Can't I do this situation without limits?
You can do a tally expression and say that everyone must complete
There are the tally examples.
So use a limit to All and assign the task to users that really have to finish the task.
Why you should assign the task to someone who you don't want to complete the task?.
I will send the task to a pool, and the administrator will assign it to other users with the accept tasks button, but I think the only solution is to do as you say.
Hi @smcvr
I would solve this issue different way.
If you have a person who is responsible for assigning the user,
why this admin user can not get task for set participant from specific group of users?