When I run the API in test server, all is ok, but after applying to stage server(same production server), there is a error "wt.method.AuthenticationException", in method log file, the error info is "[RMI TCP Connection(14)-] wt.httpgw.HTTPAuthentication - HTTP login failed: client host =", who can help me? "" is the server IP.
Do you have the password hardcoded in your code? Do you have a different authentication mechanism in your staging? - Like SSL, SSO ?
Thank you for your reply. The difference between test server and stage server is that stage server have SSL, how can I solve it and make my API worked on stage server?
Could you paste the rest of the stack trace here? If you have not imported the certificate to java keystore, you have to do that using the Keytool
2017-02-15 16:19:03,636 DEBUG [wt.fv.FvMountValidator.timer] wt.fv.FvMountValidatorLockHelper - Return value of tryLockDelete true
2017-02-15 16:19:03,636 TRACE [wt.fv.FvMountValidator.timer] wt.fv.FvMountValidator - ValidateAllSitesTask.run complete
2017-02-15 16:19:03,637 TRACE [wt.fv.FvMountValidator.timer] wt.fv.FvMountValidator - ValidateAllSitesTask.run
2017-02-15 16:19:03,637 TRACE [wt.fv.FvMountValidator.timer] wt.fv.FvMountValidator - Value of performvalidationfalse
2017-02-15 16:19:03,637 TRACE [wt.fv.FvMountValidator.timer] wt.fv.FvMountValidator - ValidateAllSitesTask.run complete
2017-02-15 16:20:06,508 ERROR [RMI TCP Connection(14)-] wt.httpgw.HTTPAuthentication - HTTP login failed: client host =
2017-02-15 16:20:52,486 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.notifyVaultStatusTimer] wt.fv.FileServersImpl - Running NotifyVaultStatusTask:
2017-02-15 16:20:52,486 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.notifyVaultStatusTimer] wt.fv.FileServersImpl - FileServersImpl::Inside notifyVaultStatus
2017-02-15 16:20:52,488 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.notifyVaultStatusTimer] wt.intersvrcom.SiteInfoCache - getAllSites containerRef=null
2017-02-15 16:20:52,488 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.notifyVaultStatusTimer] wt.fv.FileServersImpl - Got all sites.
2017-02-15 16:20:52,489 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.notifyVaultStatusTimer] wt.fv.FileServersImpl - Iterating through all sites
2017-02-15 16:20:52,489 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.updateAndNotifyThresholdTimer] wt.fv.FileServersImpl - Running UpdateSiteVaultsAndNotifyVaultThresholdTask:
2017-02-15 16:20:52,489 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.notifyVaultStatusTimer] wt.fv.FileServersImpl - Got site: master
2017-02-15 16:20:52,489 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.updateAndNotifyThresholdTimer] wt.fv.FileServersImpl - Inside addOrUpdateSiteNode. Creating new Event of type refresh tree
2017-02-15 16:20:52,490 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.updateAndNotifyThresholdTimer] wt.fv.FileServersImpl - Generating event wt.fv.FileServersMBean.treeRefresh
2017-02-15 16:20:52,492 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.updateAndNotifyThresholdTimer] wt.fv.FileServersImpl - Inside addOrUpdateSiteNode:Notify?trueIsSiteThresholdEditableFromMaster?true
2017-02-15 16:20:52,493 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.updateAndNotifyThresholdTimer] wt.intersvrcom.SiteInfoCache - getAllSites containerRef=null
2017-02-15 16:20:52,493 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.updateAndNotifyThresholdTimer] wt.fv.FileServersImpl - Iterating through all sites now...
2017-02-15 16:20:52,493 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.updateAndNotifyThresholdTimer] wt.fv.FileServersImpl - Got site: master
2017-02-15 16:20:52,493 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.updateAndNotifyThresholdTimer] wt.fv.FileServersImpl - Site : masteris not a child node currently. Create a new child node for site: master
2017-02-15 16:20:52,493 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.updateAndNotifyThresholdTimer] wt.fv.FileServersImpl - Site is local master. It should always have site threshold editable from master
2017-02-15 16:20:52,493 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.notifyVaultStatusTimer] wt.fv.FileServersImpl - Got all local vaults for site: master
2017-02-15 16:20:52,496 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.updateAndNotifyThresholdTimer] wt.fv.AbstractSiteStatusImpl - Getting unregistered instance of AbstractSiteStatusImpl::isThresholdRWOnMaster=true; site=master
2017-02-15 16:20:52,496 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.updateAndNotifyThresholdTimer] wt.fv.AbstractSiteStatusImpl - AbstractSiteStatusImpl:getInstance::Getting instance of :SiteStatusImplSetThreshold
2017-02-15 16:20:52,496 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.notifyVaultStatusTimer] wt.fv.FileServersImpl - Got all remote vaults for site: master
2017-02-15 16:20:52,498 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.notifyVaultStatusTimer] wt.fv.FileServersImpl - Iterating through all vaults now...
2017-02-15 16:20:52,498 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.notifyVaultStatusTimer] wt.fv.FileServersImpl - Got vault:defaultcachevault
2017-02-15 16:20:52,498 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.notifyVaultStatusTimer] wt.fv.FileServersImpl - Vault defaultcachevault is Read-write
2017-02-15 16:20:52,498 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.notifyVaultStatusTimer] wt.fv.FileServersImpl - Got vault:defaultuploadvault
2017-02-15 16:20:52,498 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.notifyVaultStatusTimer] wt.fv.FileServersImpl - Vault defaultuploadvault is Read-Only
2017-02-15 16:20:52,498 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.notifyVaultStatusTimer] wt.fv.FileServersImpl - Vault status changed from Read-only to Read-write. Set notification email queue for this vault
2017-02-15 16:20:52,500 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.updateAndNotifyThresholdTimer] wt.fv.AbstractSiteStatusImpl - useDefault is true
2017-02-15 16:20:52,500 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.notifyVaultStatusTimer] wt.fv.FileServersImpl - emailQueue size is greater than zero, send notificaion emails.
2017-02-15 16:20:52,500 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.updateAndNotifyThresholdTimer] wt.fv.AbstractSiteStatusImpl - SiteStatusImplSetThreshold:setUseDefault::I am here because injection targets are being injected, set varaible setUseDefaultOnstartUp to false at the end
2017-02-15 16:20:52,500 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.notifyVaultStatusTimer] wt.fv.FileServersImpl - Inside sendVaultStatusEmailsFromQueue. Send email if no status data lock
2017-02-15 16:20:52,500 DEBUG [wt.fv.FileServersImpl.updateAndNotifyThresholdTimer] wt.fv.AbstractSiteStatusImpl - Setting object name to site name (on master side)
Sorry, I don't know how to import certificate to java keystore, what's the Keytool?
Do you mean I need to add the SSL certificate into java Keystore?
Yes , run this HTTP Server /bin - keytool -import -alias <some alias name> -file <path to certificateAuthority.cert> -storetype jks -keystore /<JRE>/lib/security/jssecacerts
But I don't see a SSL exception in your logs. How do you authenticate your method? Are you using RemoteMethodServer method?
I have imported certificate into cacerts in test server and stage server, but the problem is still occured. Yes, I use "RemoteMethodServer rms=RemoteMethodServer.getDefault(); rms.invoke("dlEPMDoc", EPMDocManager.class.getName(), null, argTypes, argValues))". How can I do to solve it?
If its not a concern could you email me the code?