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Hi All,
Trying to create a new file based series to be used for objects.
Steps followed:
created xml with series name and values.
loaded using windchill wt.series.LoadFileBasedSeries Ax_FileBase.xml -load in shell.
added series name in <Windchill>\codebase\wt\series\SeriesRangeSelectorRB.RB.ser using enumcustomize
run ant -f codebase/MakeJar.xml
added series name in file wt.series.HarvardSeries.seriesNames=MilSpec,Arx_FileBase
added series name in OIR <Arg>wt.series.HarvardSeries.Arx_FileBase</Arg>
Still it not fetching the new file based series.
Anything in correct I'm doing.
What the ser file id if for? Are you trying to add something different seed name then MILST or NUMBERIC ?
I am not sure if you can do it.
Series name is added directly in the XML file
here is example of State-based Scheme
oir example
<!-- set the version info to a generated version info -->
<AttrValue id="MBA|versionInfo" algorithm="">
One important advice, do not never rewrite existing series names and OOTB schema.
Every-time use own name StateBased1X and so on. >D
the OOTB xml file can be found in "C:\Windchill_12.0\Windchill\loadFiles\pdmlink\StateBasedVersioning.xml"
last point, check all typo mistakes in your naming. xml file, OIR rule and so on.
Thanks a lot for the reply.
Its working now. Did some unnecessary steps.
If you could, post a summary of the fix and then mark which post was the solution (Pete's or you figured it out on your own).