I need to define the latest versions of drw data as addresses in SAP. When the user clicks on this address, he should see the picture of his data in the last version. How can I get the current address of the data with the code?
What do you want to link to specifically? The visualization of the drawing?
@joe_morton a very good question.
@smcvr , You say you want a link to “drawing data” what does that even mean? 🤷♂️
Be specific.
The best way to get an answer to a question is to post a clear question.
Hi! @d_graham , @joe_morton
I want to reach the represantation of the piece. The link above changes with the version of the piece. As this piece is updated, I also need to change the link I defined.
I will define this link as a constant somewhere. How can I get the current version of the part without changing this constant?
Hi @smcvr
For your requirement, you need to create own custom jsp page, where you run code to get latest iteration of latest revision.
You can go to the page with http variable oid or what ever you need and you can use it to search the object you need.
Then get the redirection to the detail page or whatever you want.
url example
Hi @smcvr
Good start is to learn general overview from Component Catalog in the Windchill
go to specific example with detail page where you can find how page is created
Just simple jsp page is located in codebase/netmarkets/jsp/
in my example I used location codebase/netmarkets/jsp/com/ext/EUtility/GoToLatestObject
where GoToLatestObject.jsp is stored.
I did not understand how to create the JSP file and how to contain code in it?
@smcvr , what @HelesicPetr suggested re:JSP is very doable but the SAP user will need a Windchill license. Do they have licenses?
How are you getting the link to SAP? Just curious. I’m thinking you’re using ESI. True?
We make the SAP connection with the application named connect, the application belongs to integral soft