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Windchill 11.0 F000-CPS04
I am wanting to programatically find the database column(s) associated with a custom standard attribute. This would be the columns created by using the AddColumns utility and then are used when creating a custom standard attribute. The Type and Attribute Manager shows it as shown in the screenshot. How does it find it?
So starting with a given subtype and a given standard parameter internal name how would I find this same information that the Type and Attribute Manager is showing?
I saw your post and thought I'd reply.
The column value you are looking for is LWCColumnAllocation.PHYSICALNAME
Note that the value of this column is stored as typeInfoWTPart.ptc_str_1
LWCColumnAllocation is a table that links the type to the attribute.
Below are both SQL and Java code to return PHYSICALNAME
select ca.physicalname from lwccolumnallocation ca, lwctypedefinition tdef, lwcflexattdefinition attdef
where ca.ida3a3 = attdef.ida2a2
and ca.ida3b3 = tdef.ida2a2
and tdef.ida2a2 = 144505
and = 'CustomString1';
where is the attribute internal name
In this code I used QuerySpecs to find the data.
public static String getStandardAttributesDataBaseColumnName(LWCTypeDefinition type, String attInternalName) throws WTException {
QuerySpec qs = new QuerySpec(LWCFlexAttDefinition.class);
qs.appendWhere(new SearchCondition(LWCFlexAttDefinition.class, LWCFlexAttDefinition.CONTEXT_REFERENCE + "", SearchCondition.EQUAL, PersistenceHelper.getObjectIdentifier(type).getId()), null);
qs.appendWhere(new SearchCondition(LWCFlexAttDefinition.class, LWCFlexAttDefinition.NAME, SearchCondition.EQUAL, attInternalName, true), null);
QueryResult qr = PersistenceHelper.manager.find((StatementSpec) qs);
if (qr.size() == 1) {
LWCFlexAttDefinition flexAttDef = (LWCFlexAttDefinition) qr.nextElement();
qs = new QuerySpec(LWCColumnAllocation.class);
qs.appendWhere(new SearchCondition(LWCColumnAllocation.class, LWCColumnAllocation.TYPE_DEF_REFERENCE + "", SearchCondition.EQUAL, PersistenceHelper.getObjectIdentifier(type).getId()), null);
qs.appendWhere(new SearchCondition(LWCColumnAllocation.class, LWCColumnAllocation.ATTRIBUTE_DEF_REFERENCE + "", SearchCondition.EQUAL, PersistenceHelper.getObjectIdentifier(flexAttDef).getId()), null);
qr = PersistenceHelper.manager.find((StatementSpec) qs);
if (qr.size() == 1) {
LWCColumnAllocation colAll = (LWCColumnAllocation) qr.nextElement();
String physicalName = colAll.getPhysicalName();
if (physicalName != null && physicalName.contains(".")) {
int index = physicalName.indexOf(".");
String columnNameDisplayed = (physicalName.substring(index + 1) + physicalName.substring(0, index));
System.out.println("Type:" + type.getName());
System.out.println("Internal Name:" + attInternalName);
System.out.println("Datatype: " + flexAttDef.getDatatype().getName());
System.out.println("Physical Name:" + physicalName);
System.out.println("Column Name Displayed:" + columnNameDisplayed);
System.out.println("Column Name:" + columnNameDisplayed.toUpperCase());
return columnNameDisplayed;
return null;
Hope this help, David
David: Perfect!!! That is exactly what I was looking for. I have created a java class using your code as a basis and it works good. As soon as I get it cleaned up a little I will post my class here.
Thanks Randy
RandyJones wrote:
David: Perfect!!! That is exactly what I was looking for. I have created a java class using your code as a basis and it works good. As soon as I get it cleaned up a little I will post my class here.
Thanks Randy
I have attached my java class.