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Hello everyone,
I'm windchill beginner, and i want to create WebApp out of Windchill, that will call for Windchill services (ex : ReportTemplateHelper.generateReport() )
So, for me, to do that, i need to create RestFull web service into windchill, that will call for Windchill services. And out of windchill call my Rest services.
It is possible to do that? How can i create RestFull web service into windchill? it is possible to call this services out of Windchill?
Hi Anas,
It is very much possible to write web services in Windchill, Windchill comes with OOTB web service framework(JAX-WS(SOAP) based), using which you can easily develop and publish Java or Info* Engine based WSDLs.
You can refer to Windchill Info* Engine guide.
Do you specifically want to make use of RESTFUL API based web services?
I have published many JAX-WS(SOAP) based WSDLs in Windchill.
Thanks for responding!
Yes i want to make use of RESTFUL API based WS, and i thing it's possible to do that in Windchill 10.2. This, despite that i didn't found any document referencing to that. if i found the solution i will share it with you
Hi Anas,
Please refer to the link below :-
this guide has couple of chapters on web services(SOAP based).