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Hi @HelesicPetr,
How can set serial effectivity with context and serial number for any child through API
Reference topic -
Hi @AA_9841156
Try the serialEffectivity class
WTSerialNumberedEffectivity eff = WTSerialNumberedEffectivity.newWTSerialNumberedEffectivity();
//... code to define all to effectivity
// assign the effectivity to object (WTPart/EPMDocument/WTDOcument/others objects)
Hi @Per
Thanks for sharing solution btw i used below code and its working .have you any idea how to get all service effectivity from parts as stored in Manage applicability.
ServiceEffectivity se = ServiceEffectivity.newServiceEffectivity(part);
se.setEffContext((EffContext) parentpart.getMaster());
//WTPart p=(WTPart)se.getEffContext();;