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New Attribute creation under resulting objects of change task


New Attribute creation under resulting objects of change task

Version: Windchill 12.1


Use Case: We are trying to create a new attribute "Models Affected" which is a Text box under resulting objects of change task. This should appear as a column under Resulting Objects. Users in this box can give the models affected after this change.


I am unable to follow the article - Create a Data Utility 


Could you please help me in creating a new attribute which can store the text by sharing any procedures or tips & tricks?

22-Sapphire II

Hi @NY_10657410 

Why do you not able to create DU? 


Hi @HelesicPetr ,

I am able to follow 1 and 2 steps where as the 3rd step is bit ambiguous to follow.

22-Sapphire II

Hi @NY_10657410 

What steps do you talk about ?

Custom Table Views, Create MVC Builder Table


Extend the class and Override the method? 

Here is very useful resource for DataUtility

CS360977 - [Knowledge Hub] Windchill PLM - Data Utility



Hi @HelesicPetr ,

Thanks for sharing the article. I am able to follow all the steps but the new attribute is not found under Resulting Objects - "Distribution List". Can you suggest any quick fixes?

22-Sapphire II

Hi @NY_10657410 

There is no quick fix. 

What do you men not found ? they are not in the view table definition? 


You have to know how the Edit Change Wizard work and how the tables are called. 

There are some methods that defines what is shown in the Change Wizard. 

I guess that you have to find the table where you need to show additional attributes and add them to the table definition.


In Windchill 13

there is method buildComponentConfig where you have to add your attribute definition


aslo there is a view with method buildConfigurableTable

ChangeTaskResultingItemsTableViews where the IBA atributes should aslo be defined.




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