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I am trying to rename a published additional file of pdf type and download it to local.I referred articles CS216668 & CS252900 that suggest using afterloader hook methods.I was able to rename the primary content of the published file from the attribute values but however am not able to download the same to local.The articles show 2 methods -
CS252900 renames the primary content of additional file using attribute info but no provision to download the same
CS216668 creates and saves a copy of the viewable as an attachment, renames it and is downloaded.
I am unable to combine both, as in rename the primary content of the additional file and downaload the same.
I tried creating a seperate workflow containing a 'download to local' expression at Released state for the published additonal file but was only successful the first time.For the next iteration published the workflow isnt triggered and no file is downloaded.
Anybody has any thoughts on this?
How you trigger an event (publish img or expression)?
Hi @ivan_feofilov ,
The renaming part is triggered by publish img(using afterloader class file) which happens when the object is moved to a particular state(Released) while for downloading the content to local, i'm executing an expression through a workflow at the same state.The problem is if i set the state to a previous one manually and bring it back to the same state again, a new workflow isnt being created/iterated.Should i revise the object for a new workflow to be generated?