Where are wcparams documentation? How can I create a permanent creoview:// link?
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Where are wcparams documentation? How can I create a permanent creoview:// link?
Version: Windchill 12.0
Goal: Append permanent CreoView links to an Excel file so that a user can bypass needing to open windchill to view a windchill item listed in an excel table.
I wrote this VBA script to retrieve a creoView link:
Function getCreoViewLink(PN As String) As String
Dim Value As Variant
Dim response As Object
Dim CreoViewRepresentations As Object
Dim creoViewLink As String
On Error Resume Next
' get response from helper function
' Get Response from Endpoint: https://" & server & ":443/Windchill/servlet/odata/v4/CADDocumentMgmt/CADDocuments?$select=Representations&$filter=Number eq '" & partNumber & "'&$count=false&$expand=Representations
' navigate Json to "CreoViewURL"
Set CreoViewRepresentations = JsonConverter.ParseJson(response.responseText)("value")(1)("Representations") ' (1)("CreoViewURL")
' Exit early if cannot API request failed, return empty string
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
getCreoViewLink = ""
Exit Function
End If
On Error GoTo 0
' Find the latest Representation
For Each Representation In CreoViewRepresentations
If UCase(Representation("CreoViewURL")("Label")) = "LATEST" Then
creoViewLink = Representation("CreoViewURL")("URL")
Exit For 'Exit early once found
End If
Next Representation
' Return CreoView link
getCreoViewLink = creoViewLink
End Function
The links returned are similar to this:
After doing a Base64 Decode on the link I find the actual arguments being passed to creoview:
Printed pretty:
Session IDs appear to be a 1 time use thing, they expire immediately after use and I get this error if I try to use the link a 2nd time:
How can I get the linkurl parameter? Currently from the Base64 Decoding it seems I'm passing a session ID argument...
I also would like to automate opening and merging a bunch of links at once, are there any parameters to bypass this window? Such as to merge a bunch of creoViews into a single session or to open them all separately.
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Article - "Using the app View and Measure in 3D fails with "Must specify a session ID or linkurl parameter"": https://www.ptc.com/en/support/article/CS275729
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Not helpful, the reason I get the "Must specify a session ID or linkurl parameter" error is because the session ID expires after use.
As soon as someone uses the generated link it expires. I want to make the link permanent IE I someone can click on the link more than once.
I want information on what a linkurl looks like.
I decoded the wc params to this:
if I replace sessionid with linkurl, what value does it take?