Hi, sorry for my english.
I want to know if is possible to force the user so he/she can not Complete a Task (launch by a Workflow) unless a document is uploaded (Ckeck in) in Windchill.
Thank you in advance for your help!!
Hi Luis,
Business Rule can help you. See http://www.ptc.com/cs/help/windchill_hc/wc102_hc/index.jspx?id=WCCG_BusLogicCust_ChangeMgmt_BusRules&action=show
Hi Louis,
You can also build in a a check in the workflow using a conditional connector that checks if the object is checked out after the user completes the task, if it is checked out route it back to the person with a task to check in and resubmit.
Hi Luis,
You can also try using below code in the complete transition:
wt.vc.wip.Workable wrk = (wt.vc.wip.Workable) primaryBusinessObject;
throw new wt.util.WTException("Object is checked out, checkin to proceed");
Hi Luis Chavarria,
Did you find any of the above suggestions helpful to resolve your issue, if so can you please mark the appropriate correct answer.
Also, if your activity forces multiple users to complete the task then the last suggestion of adding an expression may not work as the complete transition will fire only when the last user completes the task.