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object identifier for workflow object in Windchill 11.1 .


object identifier for workflow object in Windchill 11.1 .

How to get object identifier  of workflow object on windchill object in 11.0 Ver  ?

if we just enter  a part / document number , we should be able to see workflow process assignment , creator details , etc .?

 what exactly is missing is the how to get object identifier of any process associated with the object ? since if that is done we can fetch other details probably .





Accepted Solutions

Hi HelesicPetr ,

Thanks for the response.

Actually,  I needed to fetch from wtobject directly the processes / tasks associated . Those tasks which are added in the workflow  not through change management 

Finally saw this data model . It helped in digging deep in to the links.


After gettting the process details , we can fetch tasks, assignee etc


Here is the code (remaining portion i have attached in previous mail chain )


wt.query.QuerySpec qs11 = new wt.query.QuerySpec(;
new wt.query.SearchCondition(, "",
wt.query.SearchCondition.EQUAL, proc.getPersistInfo().getObjectIdentifier().getId()));

wt.fc.QueryResult activitiesinWfblock = wt.fc.PersistenceHelper.manager.find(qs11);
while (activitiesinWfblock.hasMoreElements()) { activity = ( activitiesinWfblock
System.out.println("Activity Details :" + activity.getName());

Enumeration<WfAssignment> enumAct = activity.getAssignments();
while (enumAct.hasMoreElements()) {
WfAssignment e = (WfAssignment) enumAct.nextElement();
System.out.println("Activity Roles" + e.getAssignee() + " " + e.getStatus());


View solution in original post


This is one way to get the info, using a report template:



The last link will be to whatever the Primary Business Object is for the Workflow

Hi ,

Thanks for the response .

I was looking for an API to get workflow process / running process from any object . I searched a lot , finally i have to switch to query spec as there is no such API.




Sharing the snippet , it may help someone for the same issue . This will bring in process linked to any object .


String wtRefString = null;
ReferenceFactory rf = new ReferenceFactory();

wtRefString = rf.getReferenceString(obj); // obj is part / document number given as argument  entry //

System.out.println("wtRefString is " + wtRefString);

QuerySpec qs = new QuerySpec(WfProcess.class);
qs.appendWhere(new SearchCondition(WfProcess.class, WfProcess.BUSINESS_OBJ_REFERENCE, SearchCondition.EQUAL,
wtRefString), 0);

QueryResult qr = PersistenceHelper.manager.find(qs);

System.out.println("qrProcs size is " + (qr).size());

while ((qr).hasMoreElements()) {
WfProcess proc = (WfProcess) ((qr).nextElement());

22-Sapphire I

Hi @joe_morton 

API exists.


WorkflowCommands.getAssociatedProcesses(lcManaged, null, containerRef);

or if you search for tasks from object (ex. WTChangeActivity, WTChangeTask, WTChangeRequest, WTPromotionReq atc.), this can be also used with WTUser


 Hope this can help



Hi HelesicPetr ,

Thanks for the response.

Actually,  I needed to fetch from wtobject directly the processes / tasks associated . Those tasks which are added in the workflow  not through change management 

Finally saw this data model . It helped in digging deep in to the links.


After gettting the process details , we can fetch tasks, assignee etc


Here is the code (remaining portion i have attached in previous mail chain )


wt.query.QuerySpec qs11 = new wt.query.QuerySpec(;
new wt.query.SearchCondition(, "",
wt.query.SearchCondition.EQUAL, proc.getPersistInfo().getObjectIdentifier().getId()));

wt.fc.QueryResult activitiesinWfblock = wt.fc.PersistenceHelper.manager.find(qs11);
while (activitiesinWfblock.hasMoreElements()) { activity = ( activitiesinWfblock
System.out.println("Activity Details :" + activity.getName());

Enumeration<WfAssignment> enumAct = activity.getAssignments();
while (enumAct.hasMoreElements()) {
WfAssignment e = (WfAssignment) enumAct.nextElement();
System.out.println("Activity Roles" + e.getAssignee() + " " + e.getStatus());

22-Sapphire I

Hi @joe_morton 


Have you try it?


Does not matter what object you put there.

It can be WTDocument, WTPart, CAD Document. WTObjects are also WTChangeTask, WTChangeRequest atc.


Try it.




I stumbled across this reply and it looks interesting for my purposes.  Where can I see the documentation (i.e. JavaDoc) on the WorkflowCommands class?  It is not in my Javadoc for 12.0.2.x... and this again leads to my repeated question "is there a complete JavaDoc somewhere?".  I have to come to the community too often for this kind of help.

22-Sapphire I

Hi @RFS 

The documentation does not exist for non supported APIs .

What is not in the Windchill JavaDoc documentation it is not officially supported and not publicly documented. 

Windchill PLM - Data Model - CS137012


PS: you can just use an java IDE as eclipse to search for the classes and methods. 


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