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on cad doc info page, remove related objects Parts (WTParts)

22-Sapphire I

on cad doc info page, remove related objects Parts (WTParts)

We don't currently use WTParts here (back 10+ years from how things were at Alcon...) and have no current plans.

I'm simplifying Windchill where possible.  Would like to remove the Parts link from CAD Doc, Related Objects tab.  It's a matter of finding the right block in \Windchill\codebase\config\actions\???actionmodels.xml, copying it to custom-actionmodels.xml and then removing.  I can't find the file that has the related objects page definition.  Tech support w/PTC pending for a few days now - the TSE hasn't yet found it either.  Must be something very simple.  Appreciate answers.



Those  actions are defined in \Windchill\codebase\config\actions\infoPage-actionmodels.xml

I was looking there but it didn't seem like the one.  Must be this block.  Not clear which line(s) to comment out.  There is a single "Parts" table on the CAD Doc Related Objects page.

    <!-- Information page 3rd level navigation Related Objects menu options  -->

    <model name="relatedItems" resourceBundle="com.ptc.core.ui.navigationRB">
            "Related Objects" 3rd level nav menu
        <action name="relatedCADDocsCADDocuments" type="part"/>                <!-- CAD Documents -->
        <action name="relatedPartsCADDocuments" type="part"/>                  <!-- CAD/Dynamic Documents -->
        <action name="relatedPartsDocuments" type="part"/>                     <!-- Described By Documents -->
        <action name="relatedPartsReferences" type="part"/>                    <!-- References Documents -->
        <action name="relatedDocumentsDocuments" type="document"/>             <!-- Reference Documents -->
        <action name="relatedDocumentsReferencedBy" type="document"/>          <!-- Referenced By Documents -->
        <action name="relatedTranslations" type="translation"/>                <!-- Related Translations -->
        <action name="baseLanguage" type="translation"/>                       <!-- Base Languages -->
        <action name="documents" type="supplier"/>                             <!-- Documents -->
        <action name="relatedWorkSetDocuments" type="workSet"/>                <!-- Documents -->
        <action name="relatedPartInstanceDocuments" type="instance"/>          <!-- Documents -->
        <action name="separator" type="separator"/>                            <!-- ====================================== -->
        <action name="relatedDocumentsParts" type="document"/>                 <!-- Parts -->
        <action name="relatedCADDocsParts" type="part"/>                       <!-- Parts -->
        <action name="relatedDocumentPartInstances" type="document"/>          <!-- Part Instances -->
        <action name="parts" type="supplier"/>                                 <!-- Supplied Parts -->
        <action name="separator" type="separator"/>                            <!-- ====================================== -->
        <action name="alternates" type="part"/>                                <!-- Alternates -->
        <action name="alternateFor" type="part"/>                              <!-- Alternate For -->
        <action name="substitutes" type="part"/>                               <!-- Substitutes -->
        <action name="substitutesFor" type="part"/>                            <!-- Substitutes For -->
        <action name="separator" type="separator"/>                            <!-- ====================================== -->
        <action name="variants" type="generic"/>                               <!-- Variants -->
        <action name="variantspecs_all" type="generic"/>                       <!-- Variant Specifications -->
        <action name="variantspecsofvariant" type="variant"/>                  <!-- Variant Specifications -->
        <action name="separator" type="separator"/>                            <!-- ====================================== -->
        <action name="singleLevelTraceability" type="object"/>                 <!-- Requirements Single-level Traceability -->
        <action name="TraceabilityLinksTable" type="requirement"/>             <!-- Requirements Multi-level Traceability -->
        <action name="SpecificationsTable" type="requirement"/>                <!-- Specifications -->
        <action name="separator" type="separator"/>                            <!-- ====================================== -->
        <action name="relatedClashes" type="clashReport"/>                     <!-- Related Interferences -->
        <action name="relatedClashReports" type="clashReport"/>                <!-- Related Interference Detection Reports -->
        <action name="separator" type="separator"/>                            <!-- ====================================== -->
        <action name="traceabilityRoleBLinkTable" type="object"/>              <!-- As-Defined -->
        <action name="traceabilityRoleALinkTable" type="object"/>              <!-- As-Designed -->
        <action name="handedPartsRoleALinkTable" type="object"/>               <!-- Right Handed Parts -->
        <action name="handedPartsRoleBLinkTable" type="object"/>               <!-- Left Handed Parts -->
        <action name="separator" type="separator"/>                            <!-- ====================================== -->
        <action name="AccomRequirements" type ="SoftwareBuild"/>               <!-- Accomplished Requirements -->
        <action name="relatedActionItems" type="actionitem"/>                  <!-- Action Items -->
        <action name="activites" type="reqlObject"/>                           <!-- Activities -->
        <action name="affectedEndItemsTable" type="change"/>                   <!-- Affected End Items -->
        <action name="affectedDataTable" type="change"/>                       <!-- Affected Objects -->
        <action name="affectedAndResultingItems" type="changeTask"/>           <!-- Affected/Resulting Objects -->
        <action name="changeSummary" type="changeNotice"/>                     <!-- Affected and Resulting Data for all Change Tasks on a Change Notice -->
  <action name="sumaChangeTree"         type="suma"/>           <!-- Supplier Parts and related documents for Resulting data for change notice-->
        <action name="analysisActivitiesTable" type="analysisActivity"/>       <!-- Analysis Activities -->
        <action name="annotationSets" type="annotation"/>                      <!-- Annotations -->
        <action name="plan_deliverable_activities" type="planActivity"/>       <!-- Associated Activities -->
        <action name="associatedBuildsTable" type="softwareDefect"/>           <!-- Associated Builds -->
        <action name="showAssociatedDefects" type ="SoftwareBuild"/>           <!-- Associated Defects -->
        <action name="plan_activity_deliverables" type="planActivity"/>        <!-- Associated Deliverables -->
        <action name="relatedBaselines" type="object"/>                        <!-- Baselines -->
        <action name="baselineObjects" type="baseline"/>                       <!-- Baseline Objects -->
        <action name="context_adapters" type="scmi"/>                          <!-- Clearcase Adapters -->
        <action name="relatedWorkSetComponents" type="workSet"/>               <!-- Components -->
        <action name="generics" type="variant"/>                               <!-- Configurable Parts -->
        <action name="designSolutionEff" type="object"/>                       <!-- Configuration Items -->
        <action name="relatedContexts" type="object"/>                         <!-- Contexts -->
        <action name="relatedCC" type="mpml"/>           <!-- Control Characteristics -->
        <action name="relatedDeliverables" type="deliverable"/>                <!-- Deliverables -->
        <action name="relatedDesignSolution" type="part"/>                     <!-- Design Solutions -->
        <action name="lowLevelPartEff" type="part"/>                           <!-- Design Solutions -->
        <action name="distributionList" type="tgt"/>                           <!-- Distribute Targets -->
        <action name="implementationPlanTable" type="changeNotice"/>           <!-- Implementation Plan -->
        <action name="relatedManagedCollection" type="managedcollection"/>     <!-- Managed Collection -->
        <action name="relatedNotes" type="note"/>                              <!-- Notes -->
        <action name="relatedPackages" type="wp"/>                             <!-- Packages -->
        <action name="predecessors" type="plan"/>                              <!-- Predecessors -->
        <action name="promotionItemsTable" type="promotionRequest"/>           <!-- Promotion Objects -->
        <action name="relatedMPMProcessPlans" type="part"/>                    <!-- Process Plan -->
        <action name="relatedPartsEnterpriseData" type="enterprisedata"/>      <!-- Enterprise Data -->
        <action name="relatedPartsLists" type="part"/>                         <!-- Parts Lists -->
        <action name="associatedChangeAnalysisTable" type="changeRequest"/>    <!-- Proposals and Investigations -->
        <action name="publishedContent" type="object"/>                        <!-- Published Content -->
        <action name="resources" type="plan"/>                                 <!-- Resources -->
        <action name="actionItemSubjects" type="actionitem"/>                  <!-- Subjects -->
        <action name="successorList" type="wp"/>                               <!-- Successors -->
        <action name="supersedes" type="part"/>                                <!-- Supersedes Table -->
        <action name="contacts" type="supplier"/>                              <!-- Supplier Contacts -->
        <action name="changeWorkItemsTable" type="changeNotice"/>              <!-- Work Items -->
        <action name="relatedWorkSets" type="workSet"/>                        <!-- Work Sets -->
  <action name="separator" type="separator"/>                            <!-- ====================================== -->
        <action name="relatedMeetings" type="meeting"/>                        <!-- Meetings -->


Hi Mike,

I had a second look and it looks like this is where it is defined.


Aha - that did the trick - thank you!!

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