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When there are a large number of objects in a Windchill workspace, it is difficult to identify the object representing the top-level object of a large assembly without any clue of its identity information.
With the same or similar intent, the featured object live has been provided to restrict the number of objects displayed in the workspace table and display only those objects that are likely to be of value or use to you. Windchill automatically sets the featured state of certain objects in the workspace. Objects automatically set to the featured state by Windchill have:
From Windchill 11.0 M020, a new “top level objects list” view is available in the Windchill workspace that filters out child objects and displays only top level assembly and single part objects in the workspace table to reduce the number of objects displayed in the workspace when working with very large data sets while improving workspace refresh performance.
A top level object is a CAD document that has no CAD Document uses link in the workspace. If an object is used by at least one parent, then its display is filtered from the workspace table. Top level objects include, but are not limited to the following CAD document types:
To select a top level objects list for your workspace on-the-fly:
The Pick a View menu appears as shown in the following video.
There is a new column display named “Top Level Object” which indicates whether an object is top-level object. You can customize a more comprehensive object filter by combining Top Level Object column (e.g. display featured top level objects)
In order to get a combined workspace view (featured + top-level object), here is the procedure to create a custom view in workspace
7. Click “Finish” button to complete the custom view creation
8. If required, the workspace table will be refreshed
For Creo WGM customers, when using top-level objects view in embedded browser, you must have the verified Creo version or the column and filter will not work. If you are using Creo 3, please ensure that you use Creo 3.0 M120 or above.