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Windchill Cache Recovery Tool - Version 2.08

100% helpful (3/3)

Version 2.08 includes the following new features:

    - New right-click Context Menu added to the results list for:
            o Recovering Selected Files
            o Recovering All Files
            o Exporting the Results Table
    - Timers that report:
            o Elapsed time during the file “examination” process, i.e., File > Open,
               and total elapsed time at the completion of the file examination process
            o Elapsed time for file recovery, i.e., Recover Selected Files or Recover ALL Files.
    - Minor clarification changes to the text of some dialog boxes.
    - Minor bug fixes.
    - Help option on the menu bar with options that will:
            o Open the PDF User Guide
            o Display an About dialog

Special thanks to those that assisted with testing.


I am attaching the 64 bit version of the installer.  If the 32 bit version is still required, I will add it.


NOTE: This will be my final version of the tool.


I have retired and after a 50-year career that I have enjoyed thoroughly, it is time for me to bid you adieu!
I wish you great success in your endeavors.


Now to the question many of you are likely asking. What will happen to the tool?
At this point I haven't decided.

Windchill Cache Recovery Tool version 1.0 development began in 2008 when I was between jobs and it was released
at the end of that year. Version 2.0 was a rewrite of the UI and features were added with each release to where
we are today - version 2.08.


I have years of effort developing this tool and to be honest, I don't want to give it up.
But without access to the PTC tools and files needed, it will become impossible to continue its development.
And with the amount of time I have invested in it, I don't feel I can just give it away.
So, for now the source code remains in my possession.


Ron Thellen

Version history
Last update:
‎Jul 25, 2021 04:48 PM
Updated by:
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