Thanks goes to Bryan who had the same issue.
Okay, it turned out to be a port issue with Apache.
In the file <windchill>\apache\conf\extra\app-windchill-auth.conf, the following was set:
<authnprovideralias ldap=" windchill-administrativeldap=">
AuthLDAPURL "ldap://localhost:80/ou=people,cn=AdministrativeLdap
I changed it to:
<authnprovideralias ldap=" windchill-administrativeldap=">
AuthLDAPURL "ldap://localhost:389/ou=people,cn=AdministrativeLdap
At least I've gotten past that point now.
Brian Toussaint
CAD Administrator
Hoshizaki America, Inc.
"A Superior Degree Of Reliability"
618 Hwy. 74 S., Peachtree City, GA 30269