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"Is it as simple as: Use Private if you want any access to be only the team, use Default so users can 'see' beyond their memberships?
- Pretty much, Yes. Private should only be used when you want the access limited to the team only, often for some period of time at the beginning of a conceptual product of some sort. As stated, the real difference is that the Private domain does not inherit the ACL (and other policies such as Indexing) set for the Org default and Org PDM domains.
"Private" for a Product/Library context has the same effect as the choice "Team Members Only" selection for a Project context.
Thank you Russ,
By 'memberships' I meant, 'on the team', vs. Member.
Problem was, Users search for keyword, then recieve results from contexts they are not on the team of with some (Secured Information) for context field. By switching the context to Private, they did not see the results for contexts they were not on the team of.
Come yesterday, I go look at the Policy Admin, all my contexts were now in Private domain. Now it is a clear to me why.
In Reply to Russell Pratt:
"Is it as simple as: Use Private if you want any access to be only the team, use Default so users can 'see' beyond their memberships?
"- Pretty much, Yes. Private should only be used when you want the access limited to the team only, often for some period of time at the beginning of a conceptual product of some sort. As stated, the real difference is that the Private domain does not inherit the ACL (and other policies such as Indexing) set for the Org default and Org PDM domains.
"Private" for a Product/Library context has the same effect as the choice "Team Members Only" selection for a Project context.