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I am working on extending the information we need in our Change Request form. I ran the AddColumns command specifying 1 string column. When I checked the WTChangeRequest2 table, there were 5 added columns, but only 1 was named. The name is: ptc_str_1TYPEINFOWTCHANGEREQUEST2. My questions with the Oracle portion of adding an attribute are:
1) Can this column name be renamed into something practical or doesn't it really matter?
2) Can the other 4 columns be utilized or does the AddColumns command utilize these 4 columns if I need to add more?
Now of the Type Attribute issues. I went in and added a new attribute and that shows up fine in the list of attributes. I defined a series of statements that we will use to select from. The added information is for the disposition of existing material. I want it to be radio boxes so the author can check one or more of the 7 disposition statements. I would also like an 'Other' radio box with a comment field for the Other reason, if needed. When I process a new change request, all I get is a comment box for the disposition, not the radio buttons are even a drop down list, which I tried first. Questions are:
1) How do I get the Change Request form to display the disposition(s) with radio buttons so one or more may be selected?
2) How do I get a comments field if the Other disposition type is selected? The comments field can be there anyway, if needed to be.
3) How do I adjust the placement of the disposition field in the Change Request form? It comes in at the very bottom by default.
Not sure that is all, but it will get me started towards finishing this change.
Windchill10.0 M040
While not exactly what you are looking for, you could remove the "single value" constraint on the attribute and then move the attribute in the "Create" layout for the object type to move it into the main group. If you put it above the "Description" field, you could use the description box as a place to further specify the "Other" value. I have an example here using "Drop Down" style.
The problem with the radio buttons method of showing the values (can be done by editing the attribute as it is applied to the object type in the type and attribute manager and changing the "Selection List Style" to "Radio Buttons") is that by definition, you can only select one radio button value for the attribute. So, you would need multiple values for the attribute, where each instance of value would show ALL the radio buttons, and only one can be selected - which is very confusing in my opinion.
2) Perhaps there is a more elegant way to bring in the "other" field, but in the meantime what I did was simply add another attribute named XXX Other and made that one a field instead of a radio button. For most of them I also made the main selection (with the radio button) a required field with nothing preselected in order to force the creator to address it.
3) You can rearrange them in the layout section when defining your subtype. I created several groups and sorted the attributes based on their position in the product. Within each of the groups I was able to just drag and drop the attributes into different positions. There is a button that allows alphabetical but that really screws with the sequence in my case.
Hello Don,
Is any way to arrange Radio buttons values in a single line,
as above "Black Anoddize" is present in first line and "Other" is shown in next line.
is it possible to show both radio buttons in a single line only.