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Anyone have any best practices for document types? Definition, organization, creation, attributes, etc...
We have an active project to update our documents and document types in Windchill and I haven't found a good way to corral close to 70 different kinds of documents into Windchill document types.
CAD / PLM Systems Manager
TriMark Corporation
Hi Marc
are you talking about existing PDMLink document types or those 70 are outside PDMLink and you want to put them in PDMLink ?
If the later, then you are right to do a gap analysis and understand the technology.
The way we have decided on creating document types (document subtype) is the following
Do we need particular parameters ?
Do we need to control in a same location the permissions differently than other documents ?
Those were the 2 criteria that guided us to create our document subtype.
I will not say it is a best practice but it has worked for us, where we only have per document type the required parameters (so you do not have unwanted parameters for a particular document you want to create) and creating the permissions was very easy as we can propagate them top to bottom at the org level.
Hope this helps
Best regards