We want to generate the reports to analyze the Product Servicing and maintenance history report from Windchill product configurations in Windchill 13.0. Are there capabilities to generate the report with historical data of the service and maintenance logs with dates?
Hello avillanueva,
We don't have Service Information Management in the Windchill installation. We have basic PDMLink installed, also, we have created configurations and instances of the base BOM. We just need to capture the servicing dates of the End Product, fill those in the Windchill, with updating serial numbers of the instances. So, in this case, when the product undergoes servicing, we get the new serial numbers of the rotable parts. We are expecting to get the report of all these services history tracked datewise. I have attached the snap-shot of a sample BOM of the instance.
That might get difficult to manage. 1 baseline per serial number and updates would be manual.
Hi @avillanueva
If you need to save a state in a time, then it is the best way to use the baseline.
For any update you just create new baseline, do not care about old one....
You right if you want to use the baseline to keep any changes, that is not ideal.
I developed autoupdate function for one customer, where baseline could be updated from WTPart based on the actual state of the BOM
Sure, let me try this approach, and check how it works. Thank you.
Yes but you need to have the Service Information Management module installed. More information can be found below on capabilities.
Hello avillanueva,
We don't have Service Information Management in the Windchill installation. We have basic PDMLink installed, also, we have created configurations and instances of the base BOM. We just need to capture the servicing dates of the End Product, fill those in the Windchill, with updating serial numbers of the instances. So, in this case, when the product undergoes servicing, we get the new serial numbers of the rotable parts. We are expecting to get the report of all these services history tracked datewise. I have attached the snap-shot of a sample BOM of the instance.