Windchill PDMLink 9.1 M040
When attempting to change the Current View of a workspace some browsers
go into an endless loop of almost displaying the workspace and then
restarting the display.
To see this issue do the following:
1. fire up browser
2. login to PDMLink
3. Select the Home tab
4. Select Workspaces tab
5. select a Workspace
6. Attempt to change the Current View to another view
7. The browser now goes into an endless loop attempting to display the contents
of the workspace. It will get as far as showing the rows with the text content
and the alternate text for the images. However before the images are actually
display it starts over and rebuilds the page over and over and over...
This is not a problem when display the contents of a folder from "Commonspace".
These are the browsers I have tried with the following results:
Affected Browsers:
Firefox 3.6, 3.5, 3.0, 2.0 (Solaris and Windows)
Seamonkey 1.1.18 (Solaris)
Built in browser for Wildfire 5 M020 (Solaris) when displaying in a detached window
Not Affected Browsers:
Mozilla 1.7.8 (Solaris)
Chrome (Windows)
Safari 4 beta 528.16 (Windows)
IE 7 (Windows)
Built in browser for Wildfire 5 M020 (Solaris) when displaying inside of Pro/Engineer
Built in browser for Wildfire 5 M010 (Solaris) both detached and inside of Pro/Engineer
Built in browser for Wildfire 4 (Solaris or Windows) both detached and inside of Pro/Engineer
Is anybody running 9.1 M040 PDMLink in a test or production environment
that can successfully change the current view of a workspace with Firefox?
I have a call open with PTC however so far no help from them yet.