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I am using Windchill PDMLink Release 12.1 and Datecode with CPS
I would like to set up our Windchill instance to use SSO with Shibboleth. Is there any help I can get with this?
So the PTC resources are pretty good about SSO
The prerequisites... you need a SAML IDP... if you don't have one, you will have to configure one with Shibboleth IdP or PingFederate. As of now, Ping licensing is included for use of all the features for PTC products.. DO NOT use it for an IdP for anything other than PTC product work - you expose yourself to license violations.
Once an IdP has been established, follow these steps:
Hello MV_8761582,
This is Charles from PTC Technical Support in Europe, I will provide you assistance on this question. Was the information provided helpful somehow?
Hello MV_8761582,
This is Charles from PTC Technical Support in Europe, I will provide you assistance on this question. Was the information provided helpful somehow?
Hi , @MV_8761582 , Are you able to set this up?
I am trying to implement SSO in Windchill with SAML and Azure AD. As a first step , I am planning to ask cloud team to add WIndchill Application in Microsoft ENtra ID and configure Microsoft Entra SSO. what are the details we may required to send them to do this configuration in Azure AD.
Can someone explain shibboleth2.xml and the attribtue-map.xml file to be configured in Windchill , what are the details required from IDP and how to configure. What unique entityID refers here and what is session hook?
attribute-map.xml is used to match an incoming attribute name from the IdP (Entra in your case) to an attribute name that Shibboleth will use to match to user ID.
From the IdP you will need:
On the IdP side, they need to set up at least one endpoint - /Shibboleth.sso/SAML2/POST. If your Windchill implementation uses PTC electronic signatures in Workflows, you will need a second endpoint set up... /reauthsecure/Shibboleth.sso/SAML2/POST
The shibboleth2.xml file is where you configure the SP (Shibboleth) to connect to the IdP and configure security/validation
I do recommend looking over the PTC documentation, it does give you a straight forward set of instructions. Once the IdP is configured, you should be able to configure Windchill for SSO in a couple of hours including documenting what you did.
Other considerations for SSO
Oh, and use SAML tracer... it will save you from a lot of headaches in trying to track down what you configured wrong