So far I have found with my Windchill 10.0 M030 installation I have a couple of options to begin using wtParts. 1. The Windchill Part Creation Utility Administration Guide<">> can create wtPart, driven from and linked to CAD/EPM documents. 2. The import from spreadsheet can be used to create wtParts and Structure, but does not seem to enable linking a wtPart to a CAD doc. Our part numbers are in the format 1.234-567.8 but, our Creo parts are numbered 12345678.prt/asm/drw. We want to end up with 12345678.PRT linked to 1.234-567.8 wtPart. I can easily create all the wtParts in the dot-dash-dot format using the Import from spreadsheet, but I do not know how to link them to the CAD doc, so that method is out. If I use the XML Part Creation from CAD docs, I didn't see anything in there to customize how the number is transferred from the CAD to the wtPart, so that method is out.
So my questions are: If I already have wtParts, is there a bulk method to link them to corresponding CAD docs? Or Do you have suggestions on a procedure that would work for me?