I am curious how folks limit user access during a maintenance evolution. PTC suggests limiting access via Apache. How do you limit access, not only for Apache web servers, but for other servers as well?
I am not quite sure I understand what you mean by "deny access for other servers" - ultimately everything accesses Windchill via the Apache webserver (as far as I am aware), so if you restrict Apache access to the Windchill System then nothing can access the Windchill System.
I do this quite simply by having two copies of the c:\ptc\apache\extra\conf\app-Windchill-Auth.conf file and switch them with a batch file when I want to allow/deny all users apart from wcadmin.
The default that allows everyone access to the system has multiple lines in it looking like this:
require user wcadmin
Then the batch file restarts Apache to make the changes current. To change back is the reverse.