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We run Windchill using PRO E as our cad system. As the site developer, I need to extract the revision and description for any drawings that have been revised. Engineering would like me to pass these values to our MRP system, Syteline.
Is there a wa(API call / sql query) to extract these 3 fields from windchill for updated or new drawings in pro e.?
Have you considered using QueryBuilder (possibly with Cognos) for this? Also, what WIndchill version are you using?
How do I access QueryBuiilder?Windchill version is 9.1
Site - Utilities - Report Manager
Check the "Windchill Customizer's Guide" (chapter "Report Generation") and "Windchill Business Administrator's Guide" (chapter "Reporting") for more details
What database platform are you using? If you are using MS SQL, and if you have access to the database I can give yuo a query that will help you.
- Patrick
Hi Patrick,
yes we are using mssql. query would be much appreciated.
I am almost done with this SQL script. I had to make some slight adjustments to my original script. Hang with me just a bit longer and I will get you exactly what you need and probably then some.
- Patrick
Awesome Patrick and Thank You!
Try this SQL to make sure it will return the basic info you are looking for:
select * from [yourdatabaseSCHEME].EPMDocumentMaster where documentNumber = 'DOCUMENT_NUMBER'
I am having issues joining this table to teh EPMDocument table to retrieve the correct record to get you right revision number and so forth.
This is a starting point. I was SURE I had this script, but I can't seem to find it. I am working on a article that will be posted on a MS blog site for MS SQL 2008 that is a walk through on how reverse engineer the URL strings of the application to help you locate the data in the database.
- Patrick
I use this in SQL Server to get CAD Doc info.
CASE LEN(EPMDocument.versionIdA2versionInfo)
WHEN 1 THEN ASCII(EPMDocument.versionIdA2versionInfo) -64
WHEN 2 THEN ((ASCII(SUBSTRING(EPMDocument.versionIdA2versionInfo, 1, 1))-64)*26) + (ASCII(SUBSTRING(EPMDocument.versionIdA2versionInfo,2,1))-64)
END VersionLetterInt
EPMDocumentMaster.CADName =
AND EPMDocument.idA3masterReference = EPMDocumentMaster.idA2A2
AND EPMDocument.idA3containerReference = PDMLinkProduct.idA2A2
AND EPMDocument.idA3B2folderingInfo = SubFolder.idA2A2
ASC, Cast(EPMDocument.iterationIdA2iterationInfo AS INTEGER) ASC
Awesome Joe
I appreciate the script. There is just one column missing...for description, I need the StringValue.value colum and can't seem to find the correct key to relate back to EPMDocument table. Any thought on this?
Is description a pro e parameter? Not sure what you mean by this.
I believe the pro e parameter is Title. I have found the values I am looking for in the windchill.StringValue table in the column called value.