In our Orgnisation we use Windchill PDMLINK 8.0 M040 Pack,
we have Read only user for EPMDocuments,
These Read Only Users Saves The 3D data on there Hard Disk, this is not good Practice.
How we will Protect our 3D and 2D data from Downloading and Saving on Hard Disk by Read only Users.
Hello, I think no differences between CAD and office file when you want protect them from saving on hard disk.
For office documents you can setup password for read and edit. You can try message to ptc support that them add this functionality
to ProE.))) I think unable protect data from save on disk. Or as example you can plugin for ProE whitch will load data form windchill about downloaded file and try to search them in local file system, as result if plugin find file them send mail to organization admin.
You need to modify ACL's to deny download permission, or block actions via profiles or action filters UIValidationStatus.Hiddenor write your own download servlet or method server listener for more complex requirements.
If you need to modify ACL's to deny download permission, than users would't be able to see content.
If you don't want the users to be able to save the data, then as Dave said, deny Download, or just grant Read and unselect Download. Yes the "Read Only" users will not be able to open the CAD files in the native authoring tool, they would need to use ProductView to view the data. This should protect your 3D data.
Denying download access rights and forcing the user to use ProductView representations is very simple and effective solution.
If you're using Pro/E, you can also consider using Pro/E Rights Management Extension - see the attachment.