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I have a 5 sub types of CAD Document. Recently i have deleted to Attributes from the EPM Document after that i could not able to see any of my sub types under CAD Document.
Can anyone help me to sort out the issue ASAP.
Were you able to get this sorted out? If not, it may be more efficient to open a case regarding this behavior.
In any case, deleting attributes should not automatically cause soft types to be hidden. Where are you unable to see them? When creating a CAD Document? Within a folder structure in Commonspace? Somewhere else?
I would check to make sure that the soft types are still listed as instantiable in the Type and Attribute Management:
The other possibilities are that the types were somehow deleted from they system or that permissions in Policy Administration do not provide access to them.
The more detail you can provide about what is actually happening at your end the better we can provide assistance if you still need it.
Thanks for your valuable reply. Actually i did not deleted the sub types and never changed the Policy Administration of this sub types.
Actually i can able to create the CAD document of my sub types. But in Type and Attribute Manager i could not able to see the sub types of CAD Documents which i had created previously. I checked with Instantiable value of CAD Documents that I given as Yes.
Now i want to add some more Attribute to the Sub types which i created. If i expand the CAD Documents its not showing any sub types.
Where are you opening Type and Attribute Management from? Under Site > Utilities? Under Organization > Utilities? Do you see the same thing when you open from both of those places?
I tried to open from both the places. But its was not appearing on both places.
Kindly help on this issue.
You should probably open up a case for this with support services (technical support). If the soft types still exist on your system then they should appear in Type and Attribute Management. It may require a webex, looking at logs, looking at database tables, etc. to figure out what's going on here.