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How to calculate the number of documents having a specific attribute value in a Report?


How to calculate the number of documents having a specific attribute value in a Report?


I am working on Reports functionality of Windchill10.1

I need to retrive the total number of documents which have the same value for a given attribute in every attribute.

For example: There is an attribute(IBA) called Color in every document.

Now...we need to retrieve the % of the documents having the color blue.

Assume there are 10 documents out of which 4 have the color blue.

Now.. I am able to retrive the documents having the value for color as blue.

But I am not able to calculate the % of these documents.

I tried some wark-arounds like trying to count the number of documents,etc..but I am not getting the desired result.

If anyone could help, It would be of great help.

Thanks and regards,

Shweta Joshi


Hi Guys..

Any help will be highly appreciated...

I need to find the solution as soon as I can..

Thanks and regards,

Shweta Joshi

Could Advance Search can solve your purpose?

No...I am trying to achieve this through Query builder..

Set up your query builder report:

- Set the criteria for the attribute on the criteria tab

- On the Select tab select the document object id, then apply the Count function to it


I already did that...I was looking to calculate the % .

Anyway thanks for your help guys.. I found a work-around though..

You can find the % by using the Add a Chart option.

Following is the screenshot of the end result:Percentage.bmp

I am not very sure about the chart. For some reason it doesn't select all the values if the report is too large.

I like doing it the old way, i.e. export to excel and a insert a pivot table



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