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When I try to checkin a drawing from Creo. I get a failed event message stating the following
A security labels configuration error was detected. Report this issue to your administrator
I am quite new to windchill and is finding it difficult to comprehend the same.
The logs give me the below message
"The security label value 'abc' for label 'CORPORATE_PROPRIETARY' is undefined"
What am I missing?Please help
You may have to add a drawing parameter for "CORPORATE_PROPRIETARY".
Try to add this parameter and checkin. Hopefully it will succeed.
You need to get with the system admin and find out what are the acceptable parameter values for Corporate_Proprietary that will be allowed for drawings checked into Windchill. In my mind, these values should be in a restricted_params file!
Obviously whomever setup security labels has not informed the user community of the power and use of this tool.