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Intralink3.4 (F000) migration


Intralink3.4 (F000) migration

I am on my third week of attempting to get this PTC software to install without any success! I am trying to do an upgrade from ProIntralink3.3(M021). I am trying to perform a test with a new, clean 2003 windows server. After installing the file server, Oracle and the data server I am running the ds_migration.bat. I have all my env vars set as specified per the instructions. the ds_migration always fails with the following message:

child process exited abnormally
while executing
"exec D:/APPS/PTC/dataserver/intralink/../i486_nt/jre/bin/java.exe -classpath {D
("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within
"eval exec $javaExecutable $javaParams $ParamList"
(procedure "ProIOracleEnv::OracleInvExplorer" line 26)
invoked from within
"ProIOracleEnv::OracleInvExplorer [list \
-oraHomeName $oraHomeName \
-oraProdName $patchProdName \
invoked from within
"set oraHomeLoc [ProIOracleEnv::OracleInvExplorer [list \
-oraHomeName $oraHomeName \
-oraProdName $patchProdName \
(file "D:\APPS\PTC\dataserver\intralink\dbs\Tcl\init_orahome.tcl" line 38)

BTW, as a software developer I find it interesting the this application will not install no matter how it is configured. That is without a migration. So far I have attempted this no less than 36 times following the installation instructions to the tee. Now I see why PTC wants to come out here and assist us with it. Any help would be appreciated.



I have moved your thread to the Windchill sub-community. I'd also like to note that this community is not intended for technical support. You may have better luck logging a call/ticket



Are you migrating TO Intralink? Or from Intralink to PDMLing/Windchill? If the latter, don't, and if you do, God help you.......


No, unfortunately we are running Pro/Intralink 3.3(M021). I just need to upgrade it and move it to a new server (2003). That appears to be impossible because the PTC programmers have put together a hodge-podge installer that uses several programming languages many of which are now deprecated. As you can see from the error message I posted the application fails internally in their TCL file.

Hi Mark.

Sorry to hear you are having so many problems. I'm assuming you followed the instructions posted here -

Have you contacted PTC Technical Support?

I know its not easy, but many customers have successfully migrated from Pro/INTRALINK 3.x.


Yes, I have tried that so many times I that I can do it with my eyes closed. I does not work. It will act like it is but it quits running when it hits the "Running dbca command:
09/16/10 07:28:38 exec D:/APPS/PTC/oracle/product/9204/bin/dbca.bat -silent -passwordDialog false -createDatabase -templateName UTF8_DBDataTempl.dbc -datafileJarLocation D:/APPS/PTC/dataserver/intralink/dbs/Tcl/proidbcahelper1.0/templates/windows/UTF8_DBDataTempl.dfj -sid ilnk -gdbname ilnk -characterSet UTF8 -nationalCharacterSet UTF8 -variablesFile {D:\APPS\PTC\dataserver\intralink\dbs\Tcl\proidbcahelper1.0\logs\ilnk_dbca_vars.txt}"
at this point it just sits there. I have to task out to get the setup to close. No meaningful error logs are generated. except the line "The migration was terminated," I have also attempted a fresh install without the migration of my db.dump and it will not work either. It fails when it attempts to configure the database. so both seem to fail at the same point. I have even commented out the bad code in some of the TCL files just to see if the installer would move past the error, and it does. However, the application fails to work properly. I would assume that something was left out by commenting out the bad code.

As for getting help, Hah! It takes forever. The last time I asked for help I just got a regurgitation of what I told them. The 3.3 dataserver has a bundled version of Oracle (embedded) and it crashes every night at 11:30PM. (for years now) The log file shows "failure, unable to read from file
O/S-Error: (OS 33) The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file." So, "The Process" is the problem. The other problem is that "The Programmers did not think it was important to identify "the process." I would assume the oracle programmers did that. I am not a fan of oracle at all. So, PTC support told me that there are two processes attempting to write to the db. Really?!! I was hoping they would help me get a more verbose error log so I could stop one of the two offenders. they pinned it on Oracle eve though they embedded it in the app.

I have no doubt that others have made the leap from 3.x. Not easy? Why not? It should be. A clear concise set of instructions accompanied by software that actually works is all that is needed. One of my computer science instructors said that computers to not make mistakes. It is always user or programmer error. Given the fact that I followed all the steps to the T and the installation fails 100% of the time I would rule out user error.


Okay, I got in touch with PTC support. They said they would e-mail me instructions etc to install 3.4(M012) in five minutes, that was yesterday. Seems there are some tricks to get it to install correctly. Yeah so I attempted it with the instructions provided, needless to say it failed. I figured it would for several reasons. First, it requires that I install two versions of java that can no longer be used or acquire, (java 1.4.X and 1.3.1). Here is the problem with using java and or Oracle products. So, anyway I let it run anyway just to see what would happen. The OSA installed just fine using (M010). However, when I ran the dataserver installation it failed. I found it interesting that after I selected to not install and configure the database it ran the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant anyway and it failed, go figure. Yes, this is not easy, if it were PTC would not be able to charge an arm and a leg for helping to install their products.

I am thinking that the five minutes I was promised must pick up on Monday morning (continued from Friday). I will let you know.


Well, it seems my PTC tech engineer lives in India. So, that five minutes must be off a few days due to the difference in time zones or something. Meanwhile, we are dead in the water here. If anyone knows the hidden secrets to installing Pro/Intralink 3.4 (M012) on a Windows 2003 server I could really use some help.


I finally got help with this. My sincere thanks go to Dhiman Sunit. I could not have done this without his help. The installation instructions for Pro/Intralink 3.4(M012) are inadiquate and incorrect. Thank you for your time and effort Sunit!


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