I am defining a FINDNUMBER Feature_Parameter (User Defined) in the Assembly Model Tree in order to propagate to drawing BOM Balloons and Windchill CAD & BOM structures FINDNUMBER as recommended by PTC.
The difficulty is to make it easy and fast for end users by avoiding them to set up their model tree, select attribute type, designated, etc ...
We are using a combination of
- tree.cfg to make the Parameter appear in the Model Tree
- restricted parameter file in order to force the type to String
But I cannot make things such as it comes Designated by default.
Does someone know how I could setup this configuration ?
Thanks in advance,
If I understand the Restricted Parameter file usage correctly. it only provides values for a parameter. Can you had the designated parameter to your start model files and then use the Restricted Parameter file for the value?
If you are assigning a find number to a part file, what happens when you reuse that part in another assembly or reorder your BOM?
Hello Ben,
This is a parameter of the component placement feature in the assembly tree, not a parameter of the component itself.
This allows to assign a different find number to the same component in 2 different assemblies, and in windchill it is assigned to the Use link not to the EPM.
This is also why it is a bit more difficult than regular model parameters from the parameter window.
Best regards,
Short answer, no. The restricted parameter definition file is not able to check the "designate" box after a parameter is created. The only good option is a mapkey that will automatically create the parameter (based on the restricted definition file values) and then designate it for you at the same time.
As Ben mentioned, getting these in your start parts (and designated) will eliminate the need to manually create them.
I haven't personally used it, but you may be able to use Model Check to force these parameters to automatically be created and designated. There are some other discussions here on the community discussing that approach.
Hello Tom,
I'll give a try and I will let you know.
Thanks for the prompt answers.
Best regards,