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Hi - I have Windchill V9.1 F000 installed, we authenticate using LDAP, - I have an issue with a user that keeps appearing as deleted in his library and also as a disconnected user in Principal Administrator - could it be that he has a hypen in his login ID - i.e. paul.kendall-white, I have no other users with double barrelled names so cant compare ... any help greatly appreciated
Shirley, you can query the WTUser table in your database, and look to see if the user's record is need of repair.
This is a T-SQL script will return all of the users that are setup for your instance of Windchill, even those that have been imported from your Windows AD / LDAP.
select * from wtuser.WTUser
wtuser = The scheme name that is your database. It's typically the same name as your database.
Now, lets filter those results down to the specific user in question.
select * from wtuser.WTUser where name = 'LOGINID'
LOGINID is the actual login ID that the user uses to authenticate with
When results are returned look in the column repairNeeded. Is it set to 1 or 0?
1 = Windchill is unable to find the user in the AD group that you have specified for your JNDI adapter
0 = Everything is ok
Can you fix this easily? Yes, you sure can. This script below will update the repairNeeded column in the database.
update wtuser.WTUser
repairNeeded = 0
where name = 'LOGINID'
After the record has been updated the user will be able to log back into Windchill.
Let me know if this works for you.
- Patrick