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Is it possible to have multi masters in WIndchill? To explain, I have uploaded the following file:
Experts, please pitch in......
Ok, I am guessing that the people either are not interested in this scenario, for known and unknown reasons.
Just an update, I am almost 50% thru in achieving this..will keep this post updated with the successes / failures.
Yes, this is possible. I have seen this implemented in 9.1 itself.
I am interested in hearing more about how this was accomplished.
This is known as remote mastering. There is a technical brief that discusses this on the PTC website. You are introduced to predictive replication, user initiated replication, remote masters via domains to dictate what content is mastered remotely. The files are only cached on other remote masters wherever they are used. If the file is never downloaded by a user whose preference for remote file server does not have the file, the file never goes there unless you force it.
This started being available in 9.1.
Hello David,
Can you point to the correct PTC document, which explains this steps?
Or if you have already tried this, do you a document you can share, so that I dont reinvent the wheel?
Sameer, David,
Does it mean that the scenario in the above snap is already in place / or is possible using PTC's tools?
Hi Ravin,
Did you manage to achieve the above fest? Could you please explain the tricks and how-to about the mentione situation?
Yes Ravin. This scenario is already in place with 9.1 M060 and indeed possible with PTC tools.
Hello Sameer,
Can you point to the correct PTC document, which explains this steps?
Or if you have already tried this, do you a document you can share, so that I dont reinvent the wheel?
Hello, Ravin,
There is a replication planning technical brief, created by the EDC, that you might find helpful:
Jane Zupfer
VP, Windchill Publications
T 763.957.8299 E -