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PTCUser World Event Presentations


PTCUser World Event Presentations

Good Day All!

I'm having difficulty finding all the presentations from this years
conference. Can someone point me in the right direction.


Jim Van Dragt
Information Technology
Herman Miller Inc.
616.654.5285 - Office
616.836.8394 - Cell


Here's the link. Had to perform a search to find it:

Is anyone else having trouble getting the presentations? I can use the link, but it says I am not authorized to view the content. It seems like last year there was a problem accessing the content from prior years too.


I was able to get to them but my co-workers were not. It appears that only
those that attended this years conference can view/download them.

Jim Van Dragt
Information Technology
Herman Miller Inc.
616.654.5285 - Office
616.836.8394 - Cell

Me too.

This was the same issue last year. I was trying to find a presentation from '08, but you could only access the presentations for conferences that you personally attended.

Evan changed the access controls and took care of the problem. Perhaps he can do it again. (Please 😉


Looking at the zip files available for download, they are dated the 26<sup>th</sup> of May. I know that many presenters (or at least me) made a few last minute edits to their content right before they presented. I have uploaded my final copy, but the latest one will not be in the zip file.



I think that is normal for the first couple of weeks during and after conference. Then PTC/User opens it up for everyone??

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Thank you Evan.
22-Sapphire II

Is there a link to the presentation files?

Antonio Villanueva - Sr. Software Engineer - ISR Systems
100 Wooster Heights Road, Danbury, CT 06804
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This is the only link that I have found. You have to select the shopping
cart icon to add them to your cart and then you can only download 10 at a

I'm also interested in this!

InfoEngine/Cognos Reporting
WC 10.2 enhancements


Steve Vinyard
Senior Solution Architect
23-Emerald II

Or you can have them emailed to your account.

The download process is a zip file. For me, that is not an option as corporate firewalls do not allow zipped files to come through.


I think it is quite unfair to have such restriction.

We are all PTC customers, we all want to improve and learn and get better with PTC products.

If this event was repeated in hundreds of times in many town worldwide giving a chance to everyone to participate, well I could understand but that is not the case. Many of us would have attended if the event would have taken place in their town.

I understand PTC cannot do that so they should at least make all the material available to their customer regardless if they attended or not.

I was given a link to to view the material. I cold not use my PTC login so I ask for support they ask me if I was at the event and I replied no which was the truth and I never heard from them again. Not very professional behaviour....

I hope you are all like me (those would could not attend) quite frustrated not to be able to access the material. Why giving access only to those attended. they have seen it already anyway !!!


5-Regular Member

I totally agree with your comment below that not every user can attend the conferences.
The presentations should be available to all the community.
I never liked the idea of PTC taking over our independent Pro/E user community. I believe that we (the large community) were never asked if we wanted to give away our independence.
We as an independent group would have much more to say about who can see the presentations.
Why don't we separate from PTC's control and regain our freedom?

Any comments?

Ronnie Shand

So, for what it's worth, the presentations may be made available after a specified period of time (as all conferences are, including the last few that were "PTC's"). I had suggested delivering my presentation to a broad group (non-company specific) prior to the conference and a colleague pointed out that it takes away from some of the benefit of attending a conference (not all, mind you) and, in a sense, unfair to those who did pay to go (I know, we're post conference). I think many conferences follow the format of allowing the attendees prime access to the content for a given period of time (sometimes days, sometimes hours, sometimes weeks), then opening it up to the general user community after that time period (which, if memory serves, PTCUser never made the content readily available outside of the conference until well after the conference was over, cd's distributed notwithstanding........but I could be wrong....and to play devil's advocate, maybe offering presentations online after led to disincentivizing [sic] attendance that led to smaller conferences led to a shortage of funds that led to PTC taking over.....). Just a thought.

My hope (and assumption) is that this (time passes prior to offering presentations) would be the same route for presentations for the conference.

23-Emerald II

Getting the hardcopies of the presentations is one of the benefits of attending the meetings. In the 'old days' you would go to the meeting and be handed a 3" thick binder with all the presentations. These were never made available to those who did not attend. Why should the presentations be made available to those who have not paid just because they are electronic? As an aside, the presentations are available on PTC/User after 1 year.

Having given a presentation, it is no easy task to develop your talk, practice it and give the presentation and maybe a demo, as I did. If you are not at the conference, you do not always get the full content of a presentation from just reading the slides. Slides are mainly talking points and not full context.

That web site was set up for conference attendees. We could build an agenda of the sessions we wanted to see and download that to a smart device. After the meeting, the presentations are available to those who attended. As for the rudeness, it should have been explained that the site was for paid attendees only.


Dan Glen posted about this in a related thread a few weeks ago.

Take a look here:

Our practice has not changed with PTC ownership of the event.

Conference presentations are made available to Conference attendees with
updates promptly at the event or just after.

Presentations are made available to the general PTC/USER membership around

Presentations are not purposefully made available to the public.

This is meant to offer appropriate benefits to Conference attendees and
PTC/USER members. This is also a driver in not offering widespread virtual
broadcast or recording of the content.

I'm happy to hear your perspectives and discuss this.

Thank you,
Dan Glenn
PTC/USER Board of Directors



I can see the comparison with the old days. However, I thought the purpose of such event was to share knowledge and help others and spread the PTC knowledge around.
If PTC is seen as a closed circle, this is not good for their image. I think they want that everybody knows they are not only them saying they are the best but also that others tell the word their products are the best :). The more a brand is talked about the better about the brand, especially when it is about telling good things about it

Of course they are many material available on the net but again only from PTC. It is always good when an end user tell his success story, the pitfalls met etc... I can't wait to tell mine except my story is not yet a success 😞

I understand the time and efforts it takes to make a presentation. I have done a couple in the past (not related to PTC)and in a foreign language, so yes it requires some effortsbut I never felt that only those who attended could get a copy.
and yes you are absolutely right about taking slides out of the context. If that is the reason, well there is nothing I can add as I agree 🙂

Nonetheless, when I wrote my message, I was actually only thinking of materials produced per PTC to be honest.

As a consequence, as I will not be able to attend the next event either (always in the US). I request the next one to be only within 30min away from my home :)))) (One can always dream and its free:) )

I think if you look across the range of PTC competitor conferences (Siemens, CATIA, SolidWorks, etc.) you will see that the PTC User conference policies on presentations are somewhere in the middle. At one end of the spectrum, one of them offers the presentations AND VIDEO RECORDINGS to anyone (paid attendee or not) just a short time after the conference, while at the other end, one of them only provides presentations to paid attendees and PAID user group members!

I honestly think PTC User has struck a fair balance at this time.

In the future I would love to see a lower registration cost to grow attendance as well as the availability of session/live demo recordings to improve the takeaways for attendees.

After the conference, even if to raise money for future activities, make them accessible at small fee a.s.a.p. (at the least) for those who have no choice but to not go. I couldn’t even go even if I used my vacation / leave time and was an accepted presenter with free admittance. I’m of the position not be as eccentric and passionate as others in my point of view, but don’t think content this day in age serves its purpose when blocked to those who no matter what, will not be able to attend.


David DeMay


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