Thanks for your continued interest in the conference! It is indeed still true that PTC/USER is ultimately responsible for the content. In fact, we want to confirm that the PTC/USER Board of Directors is directly involved in the call for papers process. We have continued to participate and have influence over the conference agenda and content. All decisions are being made jointly with our active agreement and guidance. To answer your specific questions:
The call for papers has gone out earlier than in the recent past, and the call is open for a few less weeks. Nevertheless, users still have over a month to submit their papers online.The topics were decided jointly by a team consisting of PTC/USER, PTC, and the third-party that PTC has hired to help them manage the conference logistics. I know the topics at first glance seem a little different. However, as others have pointed out, on the e-mail forums for example, they really are very similar to years past. Although some of the people have changed, the discussions and focus remain nearly identical to previous years. Why wouldn’t it, we had put in a winning process after years of trials, tweaking and great user input!
Take a good look at the descriptions. There is plenty of room for the product-line-specific, hard-core, roll-up-your-sleeves presentations that we know the users find valuable. For example, “The Future of CAD and PLM” and “The World According to PTC Users” provide plenty of leeway for users to show the cool things they are doing with Pro/ENGINEER! And, personally, I would encourage users to think about each topic broadly. For example, “Environmental Performance” may be a chance for a Pro/ENGINEER user to present a solar array design in which he used some presentation-worthy Pro/ENGINEER techniques.
There is no change in who will be evaluating and accepting papers. As in the past, there will be a team of PTC/USER and PTC employees reviewing, scoring, and commenting on the papers in each track. PTC/USER is fully engaged with that team, as we have been in the past several years.
I will be updating my blog with further information.
Ron Watson, President PTC/USER
Anyone know why the date is SO EARLY this year? What was it changed?