Well now we're just looking for the shiny key in the tall weeds.
You need to think about this from a CISSP standpoint also. You do not want
to open any backdoors. I got butterflies in my stomach when you mentioned
WTObject - all.
Do you have error message and stacktrace from the log files? This may be
quite informative as you know. Have you turned on tracing for wt.access.*?
My recommendation is to load a role and group via load files to a container
- I do it all the time and will simplify greatly, the effort. I can provide
example if you like.
Removing or altering via load file is customization though.
Problem report authors is not on any specific role in a container team by
default is my tired brain recollects; therefore, you likely have an ACL
conflict as a deny via 'none' or a hard deny.
Are you sure no 'permission implies' association adjustments are getting in
the way?
How is the read to Released granted at Org level? Is principal on that
container team being tested?
Here's what I think is going on:
A grant and a 'none' can cancel each other out in theory as an implicit
deny. The member principal is in more than one group at same domain or
parent domain level.
Hope that helps,