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Publishing Embedded JPG Images


Publishing Embedded JPG Images

Recently our users began inserting jpg images into their CAD drawings to provide reference information. The images display properly when plotted/printed, however when the drawings are checked-in to PDMlink, our cadworker fails to publish the embedded jpg images.

I'm certain this error is 'Admin Inflicted', and that I am probably just missing a step in creating the recipe file, but for the life of me I can't seem to figure out what I'm missing.

I would appreciate a little nudge in the right direction.

We are using:  Creo Elements / Pro 5.0  and CreoView3 Adapters.

Thank you,


23-Emerald IV

JPEG files don't need to be published.  They can be opened directly by Creo View.  You just need to configure the publisher to know this.

Automatically generate representation for pre-converted files (CS36856😞

xconfmanager -t codebase/WEB-INF/conf/ -s worker..DWG=DUMMY,preconverted=true

xconfmanager -t codebase/WEB-INF/conf/ -s worker..DXF=DUMMY,preconverted=true

xconfmanager -t codebase/WEB-INF/conf/ -s worker..PDF=DUMMY,preconverted=true

xconfmanager -t codebase/WEB-INF/conf/ -s worker..BMP=DUMMY,preconverted=true

xconfmanager -t codebase/WEB-INF/conf/ -s worker..JPG=DUMMY,preconverted=true

xconfmanager -t codebase/WEB-INF/conf/ -s worker..TIF=DUMMY,preconverted=true

xconfmanager -t codebase/WEB-INF/conf/ -s worker..GIF=DUMMY,preconverted=true

xconfmanager -t codebase/WEB-INF/conf/ -s worker..PVZ=DUMMY,type=zip,preconverted=true

xconfmanager -t codebase/WEB-INF/conf/ -s worker..EDZ=DUMMY,type=zip,preconverted=true

xconfmanager -p


Thank you for your quick reply Tom!

Does this solution apply to EPMDocuments too?  In our case we are pasting a JPG image into a ProE drawing (*.drw file).

CS36856 appears to be aimed at publishing that collection of file formats as WTDocuments.



23-Emerald IV

Ah, I should have read your original post more closely.  No, EPMDocuments (CAD Documents) are still going to be handled by the normal publisher (CAD Worker).

What format are you publishing your drawings to?  You may need to switch to PDF.  I'm not sure if any of the other types will properly embed a JPG file.



Thank you Tom!

I will experiment with some of the other formats and see if that solves our problem.

Thanks again,


23-Emerald IV

Just testing straight out of Creo, DWG seems to work, DXF does not (images are exported separately), PDF does, and PLT (hpgl) does, so it seems like it should be working.  It might be worth loading up one of these files on the CAD worker and making sure the JPG files are actually visible.  Make sure that the file is indeed included inside the CAD document.  You might also need to make sure the CAD workers have the proper OLE settings to allow display of the JPG files.

22-Sapphire III

Steve,  Did Tom's suggestion work for you? If so, can you mark the thread as answered for the benefit of the community?


I configured our worker to publish PDFs & Image files, but I do not get a thumbnail.

I followed the steps in Automatically generate representation for pre-converted files (CS36856😞

Per Tom's recommendation, and it works OK with JPG files, or any other image file I identified, but not PDFs.

Does anyone know if there is something different I need to do for thumbnails?


Tim Gudobba‌‌,

I think your questions is a little off-topic for this discussion.  This discussion is more about publishing EPMDocuments that have images in them.  You're talking about WTDocuments have have images or PDFs as the primary content.

Nonetheless, I'll entertain your question.    Because I am in the same boat as you, and I've open a tech support ticket that we're currently working through.  Nothing has come to light yet.  I'm getting thumbnail images for DWG, TIFF, and JPEG file types, but not PDF yet.


Thanks Ben, I guess I wasn't sure how to ask the question. As I mentioned, after following Tom's instructions, I was able to see some images as thumbnails. So I figured posting a reply in this discussion would yield an answer. I'll open my own TS ticket with PTC and see what we get.

23-Emerald IV

Ben Perry‌ and Tim Gudobba‌,

Have you see CS107249?  There is also a similar discussion in CS128081.

Other links:


Thanks Tom,

I've reviewed these articles & checked that this has been done on our worker.

Unfortunately, we still cannot generate a thumbnail for PDFs. I'll dig around some more, thanks again.

22-Sapphire III


What kind of worker do you have configured? Are these PDFs generated from WTDocuments or CAD Documents?

If you enable verbose worker logging in the Worker Agent Administration under Site > Utilities and restart the worker do you see any additional information about the thumbnail publishing in the worker.log on the CAD worker? Can you share the log, WVS Job Monitor output, and


Lori Sood‌,

We're trying to publish WTDocs (whose primary content is PDF) through THUMBNAIL worker.  It is working for WTDocs of other types (DWG/JPEG/TIFF) but not PDF.

I enabled verbosity and published, then got this message in worker_52.log:

[2015-11-20 15:02:16] Loading 40-22-371.pvs : COMPLETE

[2015-11-20 15:02:16] Output file: C:/publisher/w2i1j2/40-22-371.jpg

[2015-11-20 15:02:16] pvsthumb Error:42020: Failed to generate thumbnail. Please either configure thumbnail adapter with pdf support or install pdf support using C:\ptc\creo_view_adapters/pview_batch/resources/acrobat/CreoView_Acrobat_Plugin.msi.

Then I navigated there and double-clicked the CreoView_Acrobat_Plugin.msi file.  It ran through a very quick install screen - I can't tell if anything installed actually.  Then I tried submitting a new job.  But now, rather than the job finishing with no thumbnail being created, instead in the Publish Monitor, the job is getting stuck at "Retrieving Additional Files" step.

Nov 20, 2015 3:06:36 PM:Start Job: Drawing, PDF - 402237.PDF, 402237.pdf, L.1

Nov 20, 2015 3:06:36 PM:make temp dir /apps/ptc/Windchill_10.2/Windchill/tmp/pubtemp/publish8210413718891909375.tmp

Nov 20, 2015 3:06:36 PM:Start: Drawing, PDF - 402237.PDF, 402237.pdf, L.1

Nov 20, 2015 3:06:36 PM:Transferring Files to: /apps/ptc/Windchill_10.2/Windchill/tmp/pubtemp/publish8210413718891909375.tmp

Nov 20, 2015 3:06:36 PM:Number of Files Transferred: 1

Nov 20, 2015 3:06:36 PM:Document Conversion for File: 40-22-37.pdf

Nov 20, 2015 3:06:36 PM:Document Processing Returned: /apps/ptc/Windchill_10.2/Windchill/tmp/pubtemp/publish8210413718891909375.tmp/40-22-37.pdf

Nov 20, 2015 3:06:36 PM:Start Store Document Viewable Files

Nov 20, 2015 3:06:36 PM:Retrieving Additional Files

22-Sapphire III


It's probably actually hanging at the thumbnail generation step on the worker.

Do you see a pview_batch process running on the worker when it gets hung up?

What do you see in the data transfer folder (i.e. w*i*j* folder on the worker) created for the job?

Would it be possible to share the contents of this folder?

What version of the adapter are you running?



I see the files in the folder on the worker machine.  You can also see in my screenshot the running processes (svc.amatu.windchill).  I'm not sure what version.  I think 3.0 M010.  This is what I got from the MCADAdaptersInstallConfigGuide.pdf file inside of C:\ptc\creo_view_adapters\documentation.  So I assume that is what you're looking for.  I'm not very proficient with CAD workers. 



Tim Gudobba‌,

I got this working with a combination of installing CreoView_Acrobat_Plugin.msi and updating to newer Creo View adapters (3.0 M032).  Lori Sood pointed me to CS67226, which was causing the issue even after installing the .msi file.

However it is important to note that you might not even need to install that .msi if you're using Creo View Adapters 3.0 M020+.  There is some more good information in that article too.

22-Sapphire III

How many workers do you have configured on this machine? If you only have it configured to run one instance of your worker then it should not have multiple pvsthumb.exe, workermonitor.exe and pview_batch.exe.

What shows up for number of instances if you look in the agent.ini on your Windchill server?
























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