So……I was feeling quite proud of myself after completing my first rehosting exercise. The system came up, I can log in. I can navigate from page to page. I can even open and/or download documents.
What I can’t seem to do, however, is perform a search.
Every time I submit a search, the system throws the following error:
Server Exception: (com.infoengine.util.IEResource/..)
No such service: .corp.drs-sts.pdmtest.Windchill.
I have gone over and over the rehost procedure and haven’t been able to find my mistake.
I have deleted the Apache/Tomcat/Windchill caches. Rebuilt the Jar files, and re-propagated the property files using ‘xconfmanager –p’.
And still I get this error message.
If anyone has any ideas on where I should look next, I’d appreciate the tip.
So, after three weeks of persistent digging, I finally figured out why the search function wasn't working.
In the file:
- - - \codebase\WEB-INF\web.xml
There were four lines that still referenced my old server. The parameters involved were:
Correcting these lines and restarting the services cleared the problem.
Many thanks to Steven Ko who posted the information back in Sept. 2011!