I've created a repeat region that looks like this.
3 instances with 3 varying dimensions.
OPTION | A | B | C | STAGE |
instance.01---- (fam.inst.name) | # (fam.inst.param.value) | # (fam.inst.param.value) | # (fam.inst.param.value) | (fam.inst.param.value) |
instance.02 | # | # | # | |
instance.03 | # | # | # | |
I have filters in (fam.inst.param.value) that look like this---> &fam.inst.param.name == A
I want to filter the dimension value for B and C on instance.02
How do I do this?
I've tried:
&fam.inst.param.value != instance.02
&fam.inst.param.name != instance.02
This does not remove B and C diameters for this instance.
Thanks for any help offered.
Hi Dan...
If I'm understanding your question correctly, you want to retain values in column B and C... EXCEPT in the row for Instance02.
There's no easy way to do what you're asking. You're trying to filter specific values from the &fam.inst.param.value field based on which row those values find themselves in. This is beyond what filters are intended for so you'll have to perform some table microsurgery to get what you want.
There's no way to selectively apply the filter to only one row the way you're currently doing it. You'll need to construct a totally new table wit multiple regions, filters, relations, and user variables.
Hang on... it's going to be a bumpy ride...
Well... that's about it. Hope it helps!
Hello Brian,
could you please upload again the first slide?
Unfortunately it is lost.
Thanks and Regards
Also... CLICK on those pictures and words in the step-by-step section... they'll pop up LARGE sized so you can read them easily.
Thanks again...
Hi Brian,
I need your help to resolve my problem related to Repeat region. Request you to read my problem description carefully and provide solution as I am stuck in my project because of this.
Problem Description : I have created assembly drawing. Assembly has 5 components in it. All components are instances of their generic parts and instances are selected through "Lookup instance". Each generic components have large number of instances. Each generic has family table with 3 Parameter columns, value of which is used to compare and select appropriate instance to be used in assembly. For example, let us say, these three parameters are "a","b" & "c". Each parameter/column has some repetitive values. I want to create a repeat region table such that, the resultant table display a list of instances, which has same value of parameter "a". (Refer below image for required outcome).
It will be OK, if we do not show column for "b" and "c", but table should filter out the instances with same values of parameter "a".
Thanks in advance.