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Save As of an WTPart with Checked-out CADdocument fails ...


Save As of an WTPart with Checked-out CADdocument fails ...

... fails when the CADdocument is checked out by someone else. 😞

So, in detail, a WTPart has a CADDocument associated 'Contribution Content'. The CADdocument is checked out by a colleague. When I try to perform a Save As, I get something like this in the logs:

Unexpected failure(s)

com.ptc.windchill.uwgm.common.conflict.UwgmErrorException: wt.util.WTRuntimeException: ATTENTION: Secured Action. You do not have the necessary authorization for this operation. Contact your administrator if you believe you have received this message in error.

When I try to do the same thing, but the CADdocument not checked out, no problem, but no connection between the CADdocument and the new WTPart. So we are surprissed by the error.

Regards, Hugo.

(Windchill PDMLink 10.1 M040)


Hi Hugo

Normal behaviour for the "Contributing content" link (which is the same type of the owner link - EPMBuildRue ) when you save as a WTpart is to create a new Wtpart without CAD link.

Since 10.0, we work on a "multi owner" functionnality with PTC. Where this behaviour change. when save as the WtPart, we keep the^link to the same CADdocument. It is controlled by an hidden preference.

We faces some issue about access rules when performing the Build process (ie synch CAD and associated multiple WTpart) when the CAD user has no access to the related WTparts.

Sounds may be the reverse case. hope that is not a side effect of the multi owner enhancement. cause agree with you. In case of mono ownner config, should work without error.


Hi Gregory,

Indeed, seems to be the reverse case. Nevertheless a useful answer, I wasn't aware of the possibility to have multiple owners for CADdocuments. Anyway, hopefully there is a (hidden) option to allow Windchill to disregard EPMBuildRules during a Save As.



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