We’re experiencing speed issues with Windchill PDMLink 10 M030 that seem to get progressively worse over time. The issue appears to be directly related to the user, it is not specific to a client PC, number or size of workspaces, product context, network issues or other factors.
Here are the symptoms & setup:
- Windchill login screen when connected to Pro/E (we’re on Wildfire 4 M220) is slow, it takes 20+ seconds to come up
- Very slow repaint when switching workspace being viewed. This happens whether it’s in the browser in Pro/E or an external browser.The user has to watch the “spinning wheel of death” for 30 seconds before a 45 object workspace displays. A user not experiencing the issue can switch the workspace being viewed and it takes under 3 seconds, even if the workspace has hundreds of objects.
- The issue follows the user. If user “A” with the speed issue connects to Windchill from user “B’s” PC where “B” has no speed issue, user “A” still experiences the speed issue (even in an external browser ).
- We had tried clearing the browser cache, java cache, clearing the windchill cache & reconnecting to the server and going back to a java 6.13 on the client PC from 7, but it makes zero difference. Plus, as mentioned, the issue follows the user from PC to PC.
- Not related to the number of workspaces or data size in the workspaces. A user with normal performace might have 10 workspaces with hundreds of object each. A user experiencing slow performance might have 5 workspaces each with no more than 50 objects.
- All users are authenticating through a connection to Active Directory.
- Level of authorization to the data and group assignment does not appear to be related (under the product team):
- User B is individually assigned to a Product Team as product manager, no speed issues.
- User A is a in a group assigned as a member for the same Product. She has speed issues.
- Pull A from the group, assign them individually as a product manager of the product, speed issue persists.
- (so it’s not something related to the extra layer of “group” in the authentication / rights process)
- All workstations are Windows 7 64 bit, mix of Dell T3500 & Dell T3600 PCs. Browser is 32 bit IE 9.
- Windchill is running as two separate servers (app & database) on Win Server 2008 R2.Speed issue existed on previous Oracle DB and after recently moving to Microsoft SQL server.
I may try rebooting the entire Windchill system overnight tonight. But, even if that clears it up I’m sure it will creep back in. Anyone have any suggestions on where the root cause might be? Has anyone else resorted to regularly rebooting Windchill for performace issues.