I'm working with the US Army and we're in the middle of a pretty big effort to upgrade their windchill enviroinment from 9.1 to 10.2.
As part of this upgrade we're trying to decustomize and "rethink" some of their core use cases; one of those relates to the way Indisutry specficiatoins(ANSI, ASTM, etc...) are managed. Many of these specification references are "legacy" requirements applied to systems. Is there a PTC point of view on how these specs should be managed relative to the other requirements of a system? Is there an opportunity to manage ALL requirements collectively including these specs or should they be managed independently?
Hello Edward,
You've posted this question in the Integrity Community. I've moved it to the Windchill Community for you.
This sounds to me like a a question about managing requirements and therefore relevant to Integrity as well as Windchill. Could it belong in both forums?
Someone who's familiar with the Integrity-Windchill integration could help us here.