Thanks to Richard,Antonio and Steve for their Quick Responses.
Now I just have to get the "complexity" working in the workflow to set as Fast or Full Track once it hits the change notice...
Antonio sent a java class way of capturing the code instead of placing within the conditional (superior method)... but I went with the Simplier place within thh Conditional Solution. Richard sent his code and I tweaked for my object type/attribute and values. Change Request Soft Attribute Drives the Conditional, the User Attribute has a Discrete set of values.
Brian Sullivan
How to control a Conditional Workflow Action with a Change Request User Attribute:
wt.change2.WTChangeRequest2 dO = (wt.change2.WTChangeRequest2) primaryBusinessObject;
wt.iba.value.IBAHolder ibaHolder = (wt.iba.value.IBAHolder)dO;
ibaHolder = wt.iba.value.service.IBAValueHelper.service.refreshAttributeContainer(ibaHolder, null, null, null);
wt.iba.value.DefaultAttributeContainer attributeContainer = (wt.iba.value.DefaultAttributeContainer)ibaHolder.getAttributeContainer();
wt.iba.definition.service.StandardIBADefinitionService defService = new wt.iba.definition.service.StandardIBADefinitionService();
wt.iba.definition.litedefinition.AttributeDefDefaultView attributeDefinition = defService.getAttributeDefDefaultViewByPath("ch_typeofapproval");
wt.iba.value.litevalue.AbstractValueView svc = attributeContainer.getAttributeValues(attributeDefinition)[0];
java.lang.String svcString = svc.getLocalizedDisplayString();
if (svcString.equals("Development"))
{result = "Fast_Track";}
else if (svcString.equals("Production"))
{result = "Full_Track";}
{result = "Clarify";}