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I am using Windchill PDMLink Release 11.0 and Datecode with CPS M030-CPS11
WINDCHILL service down around 18:43 on 1/23 Korean time
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한국시간 1/23일 18:43분 경 WINDCHILL 서비스 다운
Here are the errors that I faced
- locked
at org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool.borrowObject(
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolingDataSource.getConnection(
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource.getConnection(
at com.e3ps.common.db.DBConnectionManager.getConnection(
at ext.hmc.cpds.portal.Notice.getLoginNoticeList(
at org.apache.jsp.login_005fmain.index_jsp._jspService(
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
We need more information. Some things to check and reply back with. Are the method servers not able to start at all? Is the database up and can you connect to it via another DB tool? Have DBA make sure things are good. As the server manager starts it connects to the DB. MS won't attempt to start if that is not passed. Any recent system changes?
There are a total of 2 Windchill WAS servers. Connection is possible through load balancing. One unit was normal, and one unit was inaccessible. There was no problem with DB. The error was resolved by restarting the WINDCHILL service on one server. There have been no recent system changes. The error log contents are excerpts of suspicious parts when identifying the problem ourselves. We don't know cause, and the problem was recognized around 18:43. I could see logs like that on the afternoon of January 25th.
for better analysis of server crashes you should always provide the full SM and MS .
But from what you say, it looks like a concurrent access problem : locked
with a custom class involved : ext.hmc.cpds.portal.Notice.getLoginNoticeList(
i would start by checking the custom class code and implementation method since you are on a cluster , if that is not the cause of the lock.