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Hi all!
I want developed custom WTPart wizard for elecrtical part.
For this I need create depended lists for custom IBA attribute.
Which will work as example when I'm change value in first list, JavaScript List update values list in second List.
In whitch JSP i can add JavaScript listener?
If I understand your question, I believe that you would put thejavascript on the same JSP that contains yourcomboBox of attributes.
For example, if you havea wizard with 2 steps (step1.jsp and step2.jsp)and the first step contains your comboBoxes, then step1.jsp would contain something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function someFunctionToUpdateComboBox2()
//Update comboBox 2
<w:combobox id="comboBox1" onselect="someFunctionToUpdateComboBox2()" displayvalues="" internalvalues=""/">
<w:combobox id="comboBox2" displayvalues="" internalvalues=""/">
I'm pretty new to customizing, so hopefully that's the right direction for you!
Hi Jamie. Yes you understand my question. But I don't want create new Wizard. I want just add custom JS function to existing jsp wizard page, and change render using JavaScript.I search page witch draw WTPart IBA attributes, but don't find. Last page witch I see for WTPartWizard: netmarkets/jsp/components/defineItem.jsp. But my JS (allert($("Capasity"))) don't work in this file, Capasity my custom IBA attribute.
In Reply to Jamie Momber:
If I understand your question, I believe that you would put thejavascript on the same JSP that contains yourcomboBox of attributes.
For example, if you havea wizard with 2 steps (step1.jsp and step2.jsp)and the first step contains your comboBoxes, then step1.jsp would contain something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function someFunctionToUpdateComboBox2()
//Update comboBox 2
<w:combobox id="comboBox1" onselect="someFunctionToUpdateComboBox2()" displayvalues="" internalvalues=""/">
<w:combobox id="comboBox2" displayvalues="" internalvalues=""/">
I'm pretty new to customizing, so hopefully that's the right direction for you!
You must use diferent Java code for set IBA attributes when create new object and when update existing object. Post please IBA code snippet.
I had once the same problem. Not always were the attributes in the family table, which is a problem when two instances should have different attribute values. Because I didn't find a quick solution for this in the WT API, I made an asynchronous J-Link application to check out the model, adjust the family table if necessary, set the parameters according the ERP system, check them in and remove them from the workspace. This worked out well for me. (It was a one time shot)