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Which decides - format directory path or Workspace?


Which decides - format directory path or Workspace?

From the -other- forum there's a question about where Creo will look for a format. The user has the pro_format_dir set to point to a local disk directory and wants to know if a connected windchill session will use that setting.

I've only used setups that don't link outside of the Windchill environment for formats, but am interested to know.



I don't think so just based on the logic workspaces/commonspace use.

If a new drawing is created in an empty workspace, it would pull the format from the local drive. When the drawing is saved, all files in session are saved to the workspace and marked 'new' in the workspace. This includes the formats. Windchill will then throw a conflict in the workspace showing the format files are already in commonspace[1]. The user would be forced to download the formats to the workspace, overwriting them, before being able to check in the new part/assembly and drawing.

Of course it would require testing, but I'm not about to be the one to try it. I also don't see the point of doing this. Just put them in Windchill and be done with it.

[1]The first time someone checks in a new drawing it will check in the format to commonspace. After that first check in the conflict will appear for every subsequent user.

We are migrating into Windchill, from having no prior PDM, or any real structure. Our formats are all over the place, but as we migrate in we are updating the formats. Here is the instruction I wrote for my users:

Please note that drawing formats are available in Libraries/Templates/CAD Templates. Please do not check in any other formats. Use "Sheet Setup" in the Layout tab to replace the format with the library version before saving it into your workspace.

To fix this, in the PDM workspace, right-click the format (e.g. “a_size_drw.frm”) and choose “Rename.” Change the name and file name to something else (e.g. a-old-format.frm).

Open each of those drawings into Creo, and use Sheet Setup to load the new format via “Browse.”

Does the setting exist in the config.sup? really you should set it here and not allow users to pull from their drives as pointed out. With that said....

Assuming it is not, here is what will happen.

If the format already exists in the workspace (and not in session) it will grab it from there, if it does not exist in the workspace it will pull the format based on your config settings and add it to your workspace whether local or in Windchill and create the situation pointed out below and conflict time. The caveat to this is whether or not he has that format in session, if it is in session it will use that one first.

Hopefully I explained it clearly.

All our Formats are stored in a Windchill location (a folder named "Formats").

The has that Windchill location listed as follows:

pro_format_dir wtpub://Intralink_10-0_server/Products/Formats

(Note the "wtpub://" prefix.)

To set that location in, use the Browse button then navigate to the Windchill Cabinets as you configure pro_format_dir.

It's never caused us any conflicts. But then we don't have other formats laying around in pathed local or network drive locations to create conflicts.

Scott Pearson
Senior Designer
CAD System Administrator

[cid:image004.png@01CF9127.10345190]S O U T H W E S T R E S E A R C H I N S T I T U T E(r)
Space Science and Engineering Division
Space Systems Directorate
Department of Space Engineering
6220 Culebra Road, San Antonio, TX 78238

These are a few issues:

1. You


On 06/27/14 12:13, Larry Ensler wrote:
> These are a few issues:
> 1. You *must* make sure that the new formats have a different name than the current format.  If
> the names are the same and an old drawing is opened then it will take the new format when it is
> opened.  All of your old drawings will be changed.  It its a VERY BIG MESS.

Actually my experience is the format will NOT change unless you replace it. So keeping them the same
names is actually a good practice because then the users don't have to relearn new format names.
This is in an environment where the only place you have formats is in Windchill (which is where they
should be if you are using Windchill for the rest of your cad documents).

> 2.  It is best if the directory where the formats and or start parts are kept are read only for
> everyone except the librarian.  The formats should be releasd.   This will prevent accidental name
> changes, revisions and deletions.  Sometimes users want to modify the format.  if they do it will
> not be chacked in.
> 3.  What do you do if the server is down?  I have distributed the formats and start parts to the
> users start directory for energency use only.
> 4.  Also remember that once loaded into a workspace the format will remain there.  I will be the
> format that is accessed rather than pulling it from the server each time.  the User will still
> choose the formats as if it were from the server
> ----------

Randy Jones
Systems Administrator
Great Plains Mfg., Inc.
1525 E North St
PO Box 5060
Salina, KS USA 67401
email: -
Phone: 785-823-3276
   Fax: 785-667-2695

Whether the change takes effect automatically or not can somewhat depend on what changed. Tables in the format that are being used to fill in information from parameters for instance will NOT update automatically. However, text that is simply put into the format as a note WILL update. It would also not surprise me if there are windchill settings that might affect the behavior. I don't know of any on the Creo side.

Rob Reifsnyder
Mechanical Design Engineer/ Producibility Engineer / Components Engineer / Pro/E SME / Pro/E Librarian

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