I just created a new global attribute (att1) and added it to an existing classification (classifX). Now I cant find that attribute within the classification attributes. My code looks like this:
ClassificationNode cNode = queryForClassificationNodeByName("classifX");
cNode = (ClassificationNode)IBAValueHelper.service.refreshAttributeContainer(cNode, "CSM", null, null);
DefaultAttributeContainer attributeContainer = (DefaultAttributeContainer) ibaHolder.getAttributeContainer();
AttributeDefDefaultView views[] = attributeContainer.getAttributeDefinitions();
for (int lv = 0; lv < views.length; lv++) {
AbstractValueView avv[] = attributeContainer.getAttributeValues(views[lv]);
for(int i = 0; i < avv.length; i++){
I get all the other attributes but not the attribute I just created. Could any one please tell me what's missing?
You can try this method
* Method to populate the attribute information for Classification attributes.
* @param currNode
* @return
* @throws RemoteException
* @throws WTException
public static Map<String,String> getWCAttribInfo((ClassificationNode currNode) throws RemoteException, WTException
Map<String,String> attribInfo = new TreeMap<String,String>();
IBAHolder[] ibaHolder = IBAValueHelper.service.refreshAttributeContainer(new IBAHolder[]{(IBAHolder)currNode});
for (int i=0; i<ibaHolder.length; i++) {
// Do something with values[i], such as print it
System.out.println("IBAHolder ==============================================>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"+ ibaHolder[i] );
DefaultAttributeContainer attribContainer = (DefaultAttributeContainer) currNode.getAttributeContainer();
// System.out.println("attribcontainer ==============================================>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"+ attribContainer );
// DefaultAttributeContainer attribContainer = (DefaultAttributeContainer) ibaHolder[0].getAttributeContainer();
System.out.println("attribcontainer ==============================================>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" + currNode.getName() + " --> " + attribContainer);
if(attribContainer != null)
AttributeDefDefaultView[] attributes = attribContainer.getAttributeDefinitions();
System.out.println("No of attributes for this node: ==============================================>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" + attributes.length);
for(int i=0;i<attributes.length;i++)
AttributeDefDefaultView attrib = attributes[i];
System.out.println("Attribute name: ==============================================>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> " + attrib.getName());
AbstractValueView[] attribValue = attribContainer.getAttributeValues(attrib);
String strAttribValue = ""; //initialize with a ~
if(attribValue != null && attribValue.length > 0)
for(int j=0;j<attribValue.length;j++)
strAttribValue = strAttribValue + IBAValueUtility.getLocalizedIBAValueDisplayString(attribValue[j], Locale.getDefault());
strAttribValue = strAttribValue + ";" + IBAValueUtility.getLocalizedIBAValueDisplayString(attribValue[j], Locale.getDefault());
System.out.println("Attribute value:==============================================>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> " + strAttribValue);
attribInfo.put(attrib.getName(), strAttribValue);
// //Moving this line to outside the if block, as the db structure also needs to include the attributes that do not have a value
// //specified..
attribInfo.put(attrib.getName().trim(), strAttribValue.trim());
return attribInfo;
Let me know your results
Thank you Ramakrishna. In fact I already solved this issue but forgot to tag it as solved.
Anyway, I implemented a solution in the same spirit as this one.
Thanks again.
you are welcome Rihad,
Do you have some insight on fetching the metadata of the attribute using WC Customization.
"How to fetch the metadata of an attribute or for all attributes for a given WCType using Windchill customization?”
Steps for more information
for Eg : I have an attribute "BSCAwareness" on the Complaint subtype I need to fetch the default values, constraints , datatype etcc....
Let me know if you need more information