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Windchill Implementation


Windchill Implementation

Dear All,

I want to implement Windchill PDMLink heavy user for data management and document management in a organization for 3 users with creo 3.0. i need help in planning and implementing it. how much time it will take to setup. i want to setup it for floating licenses. as there any document about this implementation. kindly help.


23-Emerald III

Plan on at leaast 3 months to setup PDMLink for use as CAD vaulting. Add more time if you want to use it to its fullest. IntraLink may be a better fit if you only want to do CAD vaulting.


can you please send me the 3 months plan for the implementation you mentioned.

your help will be highly appreciated.

If you are not going to use PDMLink Change Management to manage your CAD Models and Documents, agree fully with Ben, look into using IntraLink. Also PDMLink 10.1 M050 is the 1st version of 10.1 that support the use of Creo 3, recommend you use 10.2.

Some questions: (all rhetorical to help you scope your project)

1. Have you purchased your Hardware for this PDMLink instance? What is the procurement process in your organization? How long does it take?

2. Do you need to train your user on Creo 3?

3. Where does you CAD Model data currently reside? Is data migration from source system to this PDMLink target system in scope of this project?

4. Will you publish representation for your CAD Models?

5. Will the consumers of your CAD Drawings access this PDMLink system?

6. Will you also manage WTPart and EBOM within this PDMLink system?

7. Backup and recovery procedures for this PMDLink system?

8. etc...

Suggested reading to begin:

a) Windchill Architecture Overview

b) Windchill and IntraLink 10.x Server Hardware Sizing Guidelines

c) Windchill Deployment Planning Checklist

d) Using Creo Parametric with Windchill


Everything like hardware is ready. we just need to install windchill out of the box. no customization need. it is a new fresh installation. we have to just install windchill pdmlink and creo floating licenses to store data and manage documents.

23-Emerald III

A Windchill/PDMLink install OOTB is an empty shell. No users, no products, no libraries, no roles, no vaults, etc. Like I said plan on 3 months AFTER the software is installed for configuring it to how you want.

Lots of reading that Michael suggested to understand how Windchill functions and all of the modules relate.

Plan on at least 1, possibly 2, start-overs as you realize you need it configured differently, unless you really do have a simple CAD vaulting only useage. If that is all you have or ever plan on doing with Windchill, take the time to investigate Intralink as your solution instead of PDMLink.

What does mean OOTB?

Thx for answer

21-Topaz I

OOTB - Out of the Box. Usually meaning that the software has no customer changes to the way it works. Colloquially, as if it was a new item just taken from the box it was sold in.


out of the box.

23-Emerald III

Each company's plan is different. YOU need to define what you want WIndchill to do and how your company wants it to work. There is a lot of reading involved BEFORE you can even attempt to create your plan.

Do you want to use Windchill OOTB and modify company procedures to match what Windchill has already built?

Do you need to modify Windchill to match your company processes?


Thanks Ben for reply. I just want Windchill pdmlink to store my cad data and to share it with my designer. Also I will use DTI. I don't need complex things like change management, life cycles workflows etc. I will use Creo connected to it. I need a plan for this.



I do not think any one is going to share a project plan with you; consultants charge over 150 dollars an hour for that expertise. I am going to give you a lot of high level info. Strongly suggest your company hire an WC implementation consultant to assist your organization with this effort. Only being open and honest..

Strongly suggest you look into using IntraLink not PDMLink, because you only want to manage CAD MODEL data.

Even thou you do not want to use workflow, for for CAD models, you will still have to configure life cycle templates and OIR (object initialization rules.) You will also have to manage Principals, create Organization and Product and Library containers and perhaps ACLs too.

High Level Plan:

1) Analysis/Demos - get PTC to Demo PDMLink or IntraLink for you, or learn about PDMLink or IntraLink and install them to understand functionality of these applications.

2) Process/requirements - define your processes for your CAD Model management in WC (from this point on, I shall use WC, to mean PDMLink or IntraLink). Document your requirements for your project, to will give to something to test against to insure your implementation matches what you set out to accomplish. In these requirements suggest you define the current source system/ file share used to store your CAD data and specifcally ID what part of this data shall be stored in your WC system when you go-live.

3) Dev Work. Use a Development environment where you can:

  • Install WC
  • Configure WC. I.E. Create Organization, Products, Libraries, life cycle templates, ACL, Principals, etc
  • Rehearse how you will migrate your CAD Model data from your current source system into WC.
  • Create your Beta test script
  • Execute your Beta test script
  • Rework depending on test results. when all is go move to UAT work.

4) UAT Work (this is your user acceptance testing.)

  • Use a different system then the one used for DEV work.
  • Install/configure WC
  • If required update your beta test to create your UAT test script
  • Execute your UAT test script
  • Review UAT test results. If all good technically you should be ready for Go-live to Production work

5) Training

  • Create your training material, train your 3 users. Now a days, very few stays at a company all their life, so these material will help you train the current 3 users and when you have to on board a new user.
  • Conduct training

6) Go-live to Production work

Good luck...


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