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I'm not sure, if I asked for this before, but problem isn't solved, so:
Is it possible to use your Google account to send emails via Windchill?
Problem is, that Google SMTP server uses SSL connections.
And as far as I know, Windchill cannot use SMTP with SSL (it's really sad).
So, any suggestions?
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe Windchill supports SSL for SMTP.
Maybe I need to set some proxy, redirection or relay server/service?
I really don't know where to start.
Thank you in advance
Try setting wt.mail.hostname and wt.mail.mailhost to
"ssl://" and give a try.
Also you can enable verbosity so that you can find out why its failing.
set "wt.mail.verbose" and "wt.mail.verboseTransport" true.
Dear Rajasekaran,
Could you please explain a little bit how and where the SMTP email settings are configered for windchill PDM LINK.
Thansk in Anticpation.
Best Regards
Here are a few settings beyond wt.mail.mailhost that may help
Check the "Windchill Installation and Configuration Guide - Advanced" for more details. See the "Setting Sender E-mail Address" section.